Their world!

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Arnav sat on the recliner near his poolside, his eyes expressionless, staring wide at the water that stood still, in total contrast to the storm in his heart. It had been a week and he missed his wife. God had punished him hard despite knowing that he could not go a day without his wife, his Khushi.

As he was busy cursing god for the misery he threw him in, he heard small footsteps near the french doors leading to poolside, when a small voice called out to him, 'Papa!'

Arnav turned swiftly towards the voice and a part of his misery had vanished. His lips curved into a small smile as his hands rose to welcome his daughter into his arms.

A minute later, little Arshi was settled in her Papa's lap, comfortably resting her head on his chest, while her hands wound around his waist.

'What were you thinking, Papa?' The five year old asked her father, who had lost her chirpiness in the last seven days. But she did not cry, much to everyone's surprise. She had been Arnav's biggest support. If not for her, Arnav would have been a miserable mess. It was Arshi, who could manage to bring a smile on her father's face in these tough times.

Arnav shrugged in silence, as they both sat thinking about the person around whom their world revolved!

'You were thinking about Mumma, weren't you?' Arshi asked, her eyes wandering to the glittery substance in Arnav's closed fist. She carefully touched his hand to know what it was.

Following her actions, Arnav realised he had been holding Khushi's anklet. 'Yes', he replied his daughter, hoarsely.

'I miss her Papa!' Arshi pouted, clutching him tightly, while he wrapped his arm around her, securing her tight in his grip, and murmured, 'Me too baccha!'

A lone tear rolled down their eyes, their hearts clenching with the absence of their favourite person.

Again the duo sat in silence for a few minutes, gazing at the stars that have filled the night sky. Arshi remembered her Mumma telling her that her grand parents have become stars and if she ever had anything that troubled her, she would always seek them. Arshi stared at them, questioning them about their current situation. Demanding an answer for the misery of her father and her!

A few moments later, they heard their door being knocked. Carrying Arshi in his arms, Arnav marched to the door and saw his Di staring at them with nervousness.

'It is time for Khushiji's results, Chote!' She said, as he nodded his head.

Arnav along with his whole family, were seated in his room, waiting for the website to load in his computer. Arshi was staring at his laptop screen as her life depended on it.

'How much longer Papa?' She asked, irritated, unable to wait any longer. She had definitely inherited his impatience.

Arnav was in a similar state as his daughter's. The wait was killing him. With gritted teeth, he continued staring at the screen, when finally the page loaded. The report popped out. His eyes scanned through the report only to stop at the result. It was in bold letters. 'NEGATIVE', it read. And he felt his heart heaving a huge sigh of relief, passing through his body. His insides jumped with joy.

'It's Negative', he voiced out, much to the delight of his family, who started thanking their favourite gods and goddesses, relief and happiness spreading through them. Little Arshi lunged towards Arnav and hugged him tight, her arms wrapped around his neck, the father and daughter delighted with the news.

'Mumma is going to be back home!' She screamed, ecstatic to finally have her mother around her.

It had been seven days since Khushi was isolated in her hospital, when she was diagnosed as COVID positive. Being a doctor, she could not neglect her duties, and in the process of saving lives during the pandemic, she became a victim to the disease. But thankfully, her disease was mild and required a few medications. She would have opted for home isolation, but she did not want to bring her family to any danger. So she opted to isolate herself in the hospital. It had been seven long days without her in Shantivan, and the house had lost its usual charm in these days. Everyday phone calls with her family could never compensate for the physical presence of the loved ones around! She missed her Arnav and Arshi the most! The centre of her world! After a week, Khushi was finally tested negative and was fit to join back her family.

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