*What Now?*

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"Are you okay?"

Nine was surprised to hear an unfamiliar voice. When he looked up, it was Joss, his long time crush from the other class.

Nine's face started to feel warm...  no, warm is an understatement. It was so surreal for him that the campus idol is talking to him right now. For years, he only admired this man from afar. 

For him, Joss is a man, an adonis: chiseled arms, sharp jaw line, piercing eyes, killer smile. Only a fool would not fall for him.

"I'm okay Joss, thank you for asking." At this point, Nine was blushing and it was painfully obvious.

"You need to be more careful. You don't want to bruise that pretty face of yours, right?" As he was saying this, Joss neatly tucked the hair that is covering Nine's eyes behind his ears. 

"Stop, you are making me blush" Nine said smiling.

"You look pretty when you blush."

'Is he flirting with me?' Nine thought to himself. 

"Do you need help to get back to your room?"

"Are you carrying me?"

"Is that even a question?"

"If you don't stop, I'll start to think that you are flirting with me."

"And what if I am? Come here, let me carry you." 

Joss took Nine's hand and was about to carry him when he felt a hand hold him back.

"Stop, he's mine."

When Joss looked over his shoulder, he saw a seething Joong.

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