*Of Broken Hearts*

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Joong saw Chimon sitting under a tree, he was looking up, yet his eyes were closed. It was still evident that he was crying. Silently, he sat beside him. "Hey..." Joong silently nudged the other boy.

"We broke up a few months ago." Chimon started to tell a story "I was giving him everything that I could, however, it felt that he was insatiable. He wanted more and it was consuming me."

Chimon opened his eyes and stared at the leaves of the trees "When he was not satisfied with what I can give, he started to change. It's like his feelings are on and off, hot and cold. Whenever he feels that I start to be distant, he starts to woo me again by being sweet. Being the fragile person that I am, I fall back into his charm."

Joong sat silently and listened. "There was one day, I saw him in the mall, he was with some boy. I wasn't born yesterday Joong, I know what I am seeing. He was out on a date. I texted him right away to ask where he was, he told me he was studying. I immediately approached them, he was shocked. I wasn't even able to say anything. I was dying inside."

Joong placed his arm around Chimon who was starting to cry again. "I left them there, I blocked him on all my socials. Today when I heard Nine comment that Pleum was doing well better without me, I couldn't take it. Was what I gave him not enough?" Chimon started sobbing and Joong doesn't know what to do other than hug him. "He was not just the stars to me Joong, he was my universe."


Pleum was sitting behind the tree, he did not dare show himself. He didn't know how much he hurt Chimon. Joong's right: he's an idiot. He thought that he hurt the only person that ever truly loved him. He broke his heart.

With one thought, he left the tree 'Maybe he's better off with Joong.'

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