*The Switch*

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"I said hi" Joss flashed his smile again. He can see Nine blush and it gave him butterflies. The usual aloof boy with that icy glare is blushing for him.

"Oh wow, you're fast" Joong said from behind. "Nine, I think there's a mistake. Let me tell the facilitator"

Joss had to roll his eyes. 'This boy doesn't accept defeat well huh?' Joss had to face Joong "Vacate the room, I have to settle in before lunch"

"Who said I'm leaving?"

"The paper did." Nine replied with a blank face.

"But Nine..." before Joong can finish what he was trying to say, Joss told him "I think Nine is pretty much aware who he belongs with."  He cocked his head and smiled at Joong, trying to irritate the boy further.

Feeling defeated, Joong turned his back. He can feel himself shake. 'they shouldn't see you cry, they shouldn't see you cry, they shouldn't see you cry' Joong repeated the mantra until he reached their cabin.

Joong started to fix his belongings. The dark cloud that was hanging on his head since morning has grown into a full fledge storm.

When he heard laughter coming from outside, he peeked out the window and saw Joss helping Nine walk towards their door.

Acting on instinct, he opened the door and ran get Nine from Joss. "Let me help you to your bed" Joong said.

"Stop Joong, someone is already helping me." Nine replied.

That did not deter him and still attempted to assist Nine when suddenly he accidentally kicked Nine's mildly swollen foot.

"SHIT!" Nine cried, and on impulse pushed Joong away, making him fall on the ground.

"Sorry, I get it." Joong muttered and ran inside the cabin, grabbed his stuff and made the beeline to his new cabin assignment effectively ignoring Nine and Joss.

When he's sure that the couple is already behind him, he allowed his tears to flow. "I'm so stupid."

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