*Sun's Up*

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Nine wanted to run after Joong to apologize, he didn't mean to push him away. He called him back when he was walking away but it fell on deaf ears.

"Are you okay?" Joss asked Nine "I am, but I don't think Joong is."

"I actually feel bad for him" Joss said, "we might be assholes to each other but I have a lot of respect for him."

Nine was pretty surprised to hear this. He always thought that Joss hated Joong.

"I was not expecting that." Nine had to confess.

"He's competition alright, but he's also smart, a complete sportsman and a good friend... or at least friend-ish with me until a few days ago."

"At the clinic?"

Joss just nodded his head. "Let's get in and let me check that leg." 


Joong found the temporary cabin where he'll be staying. 'Are my eyes puffy?' he started wiping his eyes and check his reflection on his phone.

'I hope he's not enjoying his company... who am I kidding, of course he does.' Joong started kicking the pebbles 'it's only for 2 days, I'll make him fall for me when we're together again' Joong at this point is lightly banging his head on the door 'but what if Nanai falls for Joss while they are together? What am I going to do?' Joong mused trying lean his head on the door. But when he was about to do so, the door suddenly opened. 

Joong fell on top of a slender boy "oh my god, I'm so sorry, did I hurt you?!" he asked as he stared at the boy. The boy just laughed at him and said "this is embarrassing but you are squishing my balls."

Joong sprang up and helped the other guy. "Hi, I'm sorry, my name is Joong." he introduced himself.

"Hello, I know who you are, I'm Chimon" Joong was greeted by a radiant smile, the first smile he received today.

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