*Hide and Seek*

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Everyone on the table were stunned. After realizing what he did, Nine stood up and left the table as fast as he could. He didn't care about the pain anymore, he just wants to get out of that place as soon as possible.

Joss arrived with the tray and noticed the dumbstruck look on their faces. "Uhm... where is Nine?"

"He stormed off" Maurer said.

"He just went off" Pring said

"He just went BOOM!" Benjamin quipped

"BOOM!" Maurer doing an explosion gesture with his hands.

"Bro, just have your food to go, I don't think he'd be coming back." Phoom said and Joss complied.

Joong was still staring at the door, it was unbelievable. 'Was he jealous? Was he really jealous?' Hope was blossoming in his chest and he felt revitalized. 'The game is still on' he thought to himself.


Joss got back into their room and found Nine in his bed "Hey, I got your food here. What happened?" When he noticed that he was being ignored, he didn't push for an answer and just started to pack his things. The switch ends before lunch and he would needto go back to his old room.

"Joss..." Nine softly said


"Can we be just friends?"

Joss sighed. He felt it coming. "Aren't we?"

"Yeah, we are, but you know what I mean."


Joss never thought that it was this painful being rejected.

"I need to understand myself better. I can't drag you into this knowing you might be expecting something in return. You don't deserve that. You are too kind and I don't want to hurt you in the long run if I realize that it is not what I really want."

Joss approached Nine's bed and sat there "I told you I am not in a hurry. If you decide that it's Joong, I'd be happy knowing you are happy. But don't be a stranger? I'll be waiting." Joss then kissed the back of Nine's head.

"I'm sorry..." was Nine's last words to Joss that day.

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