*This is Sparta*

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"Can we eat in peace people?!" Nine was not having any of it. 'Talking about basketball in this ungodly hour?' Nine can't believe that he is in the middle of this conversation.

"Sorry Nanai, here, have some of my bacon. I know you love this" Joong placed his remaining bacon on Nine's plate.

'He remembers?' Nine thought. It warmed Nine's heart "Thank you" he said to Joong, smiling.

"I haven't touched mine, I am on a strict diet, you can have all of my bacon, plus me." Joss, who doesn't want to be left out, placed all of his bacon on Nine's plate.

Nine was so surprised that the speed of how he faced Joss could have given him whiplash. When he looked at Joss, the man gave him a wink and a smile.

"Do you really have to flirt in front of food?" Joong was extremely irritated by this.

Joss, noticing that he got an upper hand, continued to flirt with Nine "You really look pretty when you blush."

Joong slammed his hand on the table so hard, it stopped all the conversations in the dining hall. Nine was stunned "Why are you making a scene? Have you gone mad?"

Everyone was watching them at this point, no one dared to move or make a sound.

"This is not madness..." Joong stood up and looked down on Joss "This is Sparta."

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