*What did you write?*

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"Okay, so here's what you kids have to do..."

The retreat facilitator started to hand out a sheet of paper to the group.

"As you can see, there are two columns in that paper. The column on the right says 'The things I like about this group' and the second column says 'The things I don't like'. I need you to write down the things that you like and you don't like in 30 mins then leave your paper face down on the table"

When Nine saw that Joong was about to submit his paper, he stood up and ran towards the table.

"Damn, I never thought you're this petty." Joong said to Nine.

Nine just smiled at him then lifted his index finger then mouthed 'first'.

Joong must have rolled his eyes so hard that he saw his brain. 

"I know you wrote my name there Nine."

"You know I did. So what did you write?"

"Why would you want to know?"

Joong smiled and went back to his seat.

'This retreat is going to be a long one' Joong thought to himself.

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