*Watch Me Watch You*

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Joong and Chimon were now at the dining hall taking their lunch. Joong didn't expect that he'd enjoy talking to Chimon so much, they have a lot in common and for a while, he forgot that he was just crying a couple of hours ago.

That quickly changed when he saw Joss and Nine walk in.

Chimon noticed the sudden change in Joong's attitude and looked at the direction the other boy was looking. "Soooo, what's between you and Nine?"

"Nothing yet..."

"Yet? I heard that he's got a long time crush on Joss."

"Don't rub it in please." Joong said as he slumped down the table.

Chimon lifted Joong's face and said "You  know, you are such a catch, too bad you don't see great opportunity in front of you." 

Chimon gave a small wink then laughed.

Joong was confused with what Chimon was saying so his eyes went back to where Nine and Joss were. Unexpectedly, he made eye contact with Nine who seems to be watching them.


"Who is that boy sitting with Archen?" Nine asked Joss. 'Why is this bitch touching Joong's face?' 

"Ah, that's Chimon from my class. He's in my class. He's very vocal about his crush on Joong."

'CRUSH ON JOONG?' Nine started breathing heavily after hearing that information. 'I need to do something'

"Are you okay? You're breathing too hard." Joss asked.

"OW!" Nine shouted, he made sure that it's loud enough for Joong to hear.

Joong heard Nine shout and in an instant, found himself halfway towards Nine. "Are you okay?" Joong asked Nine.

"Yes, I'm okay, thank you" Nine then smiled at Joong.

"I've been telling you to sit down." Joss lightly berated Nine.

Without losing eye contact with Joong, Nine answered Joss: "Make me."

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