Part one

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(Luna's POV)

Hi I am Luna I am 17 years old,I have dark blue hair and i have two different coloured eyes one was brown while the other was a very bright blue.i would cover up my blue eye because I got made fun of because of it in the orphanage...

Yeah I had no parents...when I was born my mother died so they put me in a orphanage I was there for 7 years until a Japanese lady with her daughter adopted me the daughter was called miko and we quickly became best friends and I was happy.

My foster mother was so nice to me,she and miko even treated me like one of them it was nice.

And this brings to 10 years later me and miko currently walking to school.

"Ugh school!!" Miko groaned
"At least it's Friday miko" I replied

"Yeah I might just ditch last our foster parents are scared of me remember?" Miko said confidently

"I am not really surprised" I said and laughed
As we got into school I put a eye patch on my blue eye

"Hey look if it isn't the freaks!" A girl laughed

I reminded calm but miko on the other hand..seems enraged

"Miko just ignore them.." I replied
She huffed and continued to walk

"Why do you think she wears that eye patch?"
"Maybe whatever is under it is very ugly like her" the two girls were saying laughing.

Miko gave them the death glare that can even scare a wolf the two girls had regret on their faces.

Miko smirked as we went in our class I sat next to miko cause the teacher thinks I would be a good influence on her because of my formality of being calm and quiet.

After class we headed for lunch I wasn't hungry so I waited on miko and again I saw the two girls laughing and giggling at me.

Yeah I get bullied here but I never pay attention to it and it annoyed them finally miko came and we sat at the lunch table with jack.

"Yo jack!" Miko shouted
"Hey" I said

"Hi guys! Come sit down" jack replies
So we just talked and joked around until the bell went we said goodbye to jack as we headed to class.

(Time skip cause I HATE SCHOOOOLLLL)

It was at the end of school and miko was just jumping around happily

So while we were waiting for jack we heard him shout it was in the ally way so me and mike rushed over to see what all of the commotion was about.

"JACK" Miko shouted

Just then we see him with this...uhhh female robot...?
"!!!!" Miko shouted
"Scrap" the robot said

"Greetings" I said calmly
"Hey human" The female robot said

Then she looked at me closely
"Wait a minute..It's you!" She shouted

"U-uh what...?" I said
"I'll explain everything just three of you come with me" she said as some sort of portal opened we walked in with her I had a weird feeling about this.

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