Part 10

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5 months has past and my father returned and was happy that I will be having a boy but surprised at the same time.I felt my water broke shit..

"J-Jackie! T-the baby is coming!" I shouted
He panicked and I was rushed to the medbay it hurt a lot but I eventually gave birth to a baby boy.He was adorable he opened his eyes...they were just like wheeljack's eyes..

"He's so cute!!!!" Miko shouted
"What should we name him sweetspark?" Wheeljack asked
"Hmm what about ace?" I asked
"That sound like a cool name!" He replied

So we named him ace he is now 3 months old and everyone adored him
Wheeljack would light up when he saw him I would bring ace with me surprisingly ace loved the bots!.And he loves when I sing everything was great...until...

Raf was injured and June had enough

"I'm taking Raf to his family his REAL family Optimus they are children they shouldn't be worrying about the fate of the earth they should focus on school,tests,crushes jobs etc!" June shouted

I couldn't believe this...has June snapped?
As they all argued I was holding ace with wheeljack
"W..what's gonna happen to ace?" He asked

"Well since Luna is part human she's still a teenager with a baby Luna you can't keep ace if your gonna fight in the war all of you are coming with me and they're NEVER coming back" She replies

"What not fair your not my mom!" Miko shouted
"Well I am your's,get in.." June said to jack
Jack and raf got in me and miko refused
"We aren't going anywhere..." Miko shouted
"Luna..." wheeljack said

"You have to go with June..."wheeljack said
"Wait that it!? June is literally forcing you to never see your kid and girlfriend!" Miko shouted
I was stuck in choices go with June or stay here
June noticed this she couldn't blame me since me being half cybertronian and half human I was confused.

"Look Luna I know you agreed to join the war since your half robot and all but think about your kid I get you love wheeljack and ace but ace he's just a child..." she convinced me

"I..." I paused I looked at my dad Optimus
"Dad?" I asked
"You should go with her..." Optimus replied
I nodded and looked at wheeljack he was in his bipedal mode hugging me and ace.
"I'll miss you sweetspark" he said
"Please don't blow yourself up Jackie...I'll miss you" I replied as me and ace went with June...

"D.....da....da?" Ace said
Wheeljack has tears in his eyes and smiled

The car journey home was silent...
"Thanks for the ride home June see ya later" I said as I walked into my house I placed ace in his crib.

"Don't worry my son..we will get through this...he....he will be fine...he has to be..." I replied but inside I was crying scared about what will happen...

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