Part nine

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(Luna's PoV)
I woke up next to wheeljack w...what happened last nigh—o-Oh
I remembered everything then I buried my face into the pillow out of pure embarrassment.I checked my alarm clock 10:45?

"Mornin' sunshine" he said as he hugged me
"morning Jackie" I replied as I tried to get up but I fell back down

"Wheeljack can you help...?" I said
He got up and put me on his back
"You were too rough last night" I mumbled
"I'm sorry sweetspark" he said as he chuckled at my state then I suddenly felt sick
I jumped off him and I rushed to the bathroom and puked
"Ugh..." I came out groaning

"Geez are you okay sunshine...? You were vomiting" he asked
"I..I don't know I felt fine until this morning.." I replied

That day we went to the base
Bulkhead and miko looked surprised when me and wheeljack went to the base.Wheeljack was back to his normal form by the way

"Hey uh where's doc?" Wheeljack asked
"Why?" Bulkhead asked
"Well uhh Luna keeps vomiting and her head keeps hurting" wheeljack said
"Jackie I told you I'm fine!" I replied
"No your not" he replied
"I am—UGH!!" I shouted as I fell to the ground my stomach was aching
Miko helped me up  and took me to ratchet..

(Later)'s been 10 minutes and ratchet was doing tests on me and his optics widened and looked at me.

"W-well Luna congratulations your pregnant!" Ratchet replies
Miko smiled widely

Wheeljack seemed ashamed of him self and left
"I'm..gonna go see him" I replied as I got off I saw him sitting against the wall.

"Wheeljack? Are you okay...?" I asked
"I-I'm so sorry for getting you pregnant..I understand if you hate me.." he said

"Jackie it's fine! I've always wanted a child" I admitted
"But there's still a war going on..and our kid can't handle this" Wheeljack said worried.

"The baby won't be born until 9 months" I reassured him
"I guess your right" he replies
He saw my expression
"Sweetspark don't be sad of course I'm happy I'll be a sire but it's just what if I mess up?" He asked

"You won't Jackie I believe you'll be a great father to our child" I said
"Heh...thanks sunshine" he replies

Then we heard a groundbridge open we walked to the others
"We have to go on a mission we might be gone for awhile.." Ultra Magnus said to wheeljack and smokescreen.

Wheeljack looked sad and said
"I'll join u in a sec boss" he said as he turned to his bepedal mode
"I-I guess your going.." I stuttered
He hugged me
"I'll be back sweetspark I promise" he said as he tightened the hug and went back to his normal form and left along with ultra Magnus and smokescreen...

Later me,miko,raf and jack were in the human area

"So what are you calling the baby?" Raf asked
"I don't really know if it's a boy or a girl" I replied
"It's a boy after you left to find wheeljack ratchet said it was a boy" jack replied

"Aww!! Wait! So it will be half autobot like you Luna!!" Miko shouted In excitement.

"I guess so but I don't know what to call him" I replied
"What about Dakota?" Miko said
"I don't know" I replied again
"Just wait for the baby to come you have until then to figure out a name for the baby" Raf replies

"Y-Yeah probably I'm sorry it's just I don't exactly know how to well be a mother I never had a mom so I wouldn't really know on what to do.." I asked.

"Well my mom's a nurse maybe she can help" jack said
"I don't want to be a bother" I replied
"It's fine! My mom likes you! Miko wanna come?" Jack asked
"Nah" She said as she played video games

"Oh Luna! It's great to see you again it's been ages! And you can just call me June"June replies
"Hehe! Alright" I said happily

"So what brings you here?" June asked
"Well you see Luna is pregnant and she has no clue on what to do" jack explained.

"Aw congrats Luna who's the lucky guy?" June asked
"I-it's..wheeljack" I said
She looked shocked but not in a bad way

"Wow! I-I'm sorry I just never imagined it would be a autobot your baby will be very interesting! Anyway come inside I'll teach you everything you need to know before becoming a mother!" June said as we went inside.

So when jack left she started to teach me about the basic stuff it was getting late.
"Thank you June on helping me!" I said as I left
"Cya later Luna! And congratulations!" June said
"Thank you!" I said as I walked to my house I was 6 blocks away from jacks house.

Then I heard laughing n-no...
"Well well Well if it isn't the slut! She's actually pregnant!" One of Anna's gang members said

"Go away Anna!"I shouted
"Aw why would I do that? Just look at you disgusting! I bet your man left you! I mean I don't blame him! Your pathetic as always and you think not going to school will stop me from torturing you?! Get her" she said to her gang.

When they were about to attack me I saw a figure and they were all knocked out except for Anna.

"LEAVE..." a familiar voice said to Anna
"Y-Your insane!" Anna said as she ran off

The person helped me up it was Scarlett!?
"You alright?" She asked
"Y-Yeah..thank you but why did you save me...?" I asked
She sighed and said

"I'm..s-sorry about everything Luna I'm sorry that I hurt you I'm sorry for helping my father hurt yours..I swear I never wanted to hurt father is corrupted he use to be a fearless hero but now he's a villain of darkness and mother would've been disappointed in me I understand if you still hate me.."she said sadly

"I forgive you Scarlett" I replied
She cried and hugged me
"What will you do now...?" I asked
"I might just start to live normally as a teen get a job,have friends,find love,Thank you Luna I hope to see you in the near future" she said as she walked off.

I smiled knowing she will live happily as I walked back to my house

(A few months later)

I'm 4 months pregnant and I am a lil nervous..I haven't seen wheeljack I was worried he might've gotten hurt..while I was with miko and jack but raf was on holiday with his family I heard a groundbridge open it's probably acree and bumblebee...

To my surprise it wasn't it was smokescreen,ultra Magnus and...wheeljack!
"They're back!" Miko shouted
"Sure are kid" wheeljack said
He looked at me and smiled
"Told you I would be back sweetspark" he said softly
He went to his bipedal mode and I went up and hugged him crying

"I missed you so much Jackie.." I cried
"I missed you to Luna" he replied as he kissed me I instantly kissed back

He went back to his normal form smiling at me as I went with miko
"So~now that your here wheeljack what are you calling your son?" Miko asked.

Wheeljack seemed more happy that it was a boy
"I uh don't really know actually" wheeljack said
"Aw come on that's what Luna said! You just can't a baby without a name~!" She replies.

"Miko leave them alone it's there first time experiencing this Luna is 4 months pregnant she and wheeljack already have other things to worry about" arcee spoke

"Alright.." Miko said sadly

"Hey Luna I need to run tests on you I have a feeling about something" ratchet said

"o-okay" I said worried

What dose he mean he has a feeling about something...?
Wheeljack went with me
After some tests ratchets face lit up

"I was right! Luna your son will be techno-organic!" Ratchet replies
"Oh cool" I replied
"Well now we just have to wait 5 more months sweetspark" wheeljack said as he looked down at me.

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