Part eight

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(Still Luna's PoV)
I have been training for about 2 months and my father has died..ratchet told me he went to a place called the all spark it's like heaven for cybertronian's I guess?

I was finally allowed to go on missions with the others I would go with bumblebee and arcee sometimes.Then I heard someone shout it was ratchet


I ran up to miko,jack and raf
"What's going on?!?" I said to them

"Welllll wheeljack has been acting strange lately and he got into a fight with bumblebee as soon as you guys came back from a mission and yep we basically have NO idea why" Miko explained

"Jackie what did you do!?" Bulkhead shouted
Wheeljack only growled his eyes..were different they were more bright
"Hmm lemme try something here" ratchet said
"Hey Luna wanna help me with something?" Ratchet replies
"Alright?" I said as I followed ratchet

Wheeljack just gave ratchet the death glare as bulkhead was next to him confused

"What's wrong with wheeljack...?" I asked
"Ugh...he's getting more possessive then usual I wanted to see what he would react when you leave the room and I see he's getting agitated" ratchet replies

"So basically you just wanted to annoy him?" I asked
"Yep" he replied

I giggled as I left the room for ratchet to do his own thing
Then I saw bumblebee and wheeljack fighting as arcee and bulk tried to get them apart
"ENOUGH!!!!" I said as my voice echoed and my eyes glowed blue

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me in shock my eyes turned to normal I was as equally shocked as them at I then looked at them all...

"Wheeljack...let bumblebee go" I said coldly

He let bumblebee go as he growled and walked away to his berthroom
"Are you all okay...?" I asked
"Yea but your lover nearly killed bumblebee it was like something was controlling wheeljack.." arcee said as he lifted bee up
"I will talk to him—"
"No! I know what's wrong with Jackie he was like this years ago...Luna you'll have to leave the base.." Bulkhead said

"For how long...?" I asked
"Three human weeks.." he replies
"A-Alright then" I said
"Smokescreen can you take me home?" I asked
"Sure lu" he replied as he drove me home

"Thanks smokes cya in 3 weeks I guess" I said
"Cya lu" he said as he drove off
I walked in my house geez sometimes I don't recognise it since I spend most of my time In the base I still remember my outburst I felt the power surge through my veins what was it...?

It's been a couple of weeks and I was just doing online classes since I homeschooled myself I finish next year and I'll be going to collage then I heard someone come in I didn't pay much attention since I was like 11pm and everyone would be like asleep or something like that.

Then I felt my chair move and I was faced with wheeljack he was in his bipedal mode
"H-hey j-Jackie" I said
"Hey sunshine~" he replied as he nuzzles my neck
I squeaked
"J-Jackie I'm b-busy" I stuttered as I tried to get back to finishing my work
He closed my laptop good thing I saved it...

"Jackie what is with you—hm!" He interrupted me by kissing me roughly
I tried to resist but I couldn't....I kissed back

He smirked in the kiss as went down my neck biting it
"G-gah! J-Jackie" I whined
"You like this sunshine~?" He asked seductively in my ear
I gulped d-danm!

"Jackie get off me..." I said
He didn't reply
"Jackie n-no..." I pushed him off of me
"Come on doll you like this~" he replies
"N-no..." I lied I would be lying if I said I didn't like it

"J-Jackie shouldn't you be at the base...?!" I asked
"Yeah but I wanted to see you~also you've been bad for avoiding me..." he said as he pinned me up against the wall...
"J-Jackie your scaring me...." I said
He didn't listen he only just put his servos up my shirt and licked and bite my neck
"w-w-wheeljack~!" I shouted

He picked my up and walked to my room this was so embarrassing for me
He placed me on the bed and started to grind himself on me I was too embarrassed so I covered my very red face
"Hey...don't hide yourself from me..." he said as he grabbed my hips

"W-wheeljack..." I said as tears stained my cheeks
Suddenly his optics widened
"L-Luna I-I..." he replies
"...I'm..sorry..." he whispered at he got off of me
"Jackie...?" I said
I hugged him he seemed surprised

"Jackie please...I'm fine" i reassured him
"I-it isn't I could've..." he stopped himself from saying the last bit
"What happened to you anyway...?" I asked
"It's heat..." he said
I blushed brightly so this is what bulkhead was talking about that innocent wrecker..

"How are you controlling it right now...?" I asked
"I heard you crying and I just snapped back to myself...I can't take this much longer..." he stuttered

I thought of this carefully he's hurting...but I don't want to get impregnate and I'm scared...this was difficult.So either I wait a week till he's normal and he'll be fine or help him...I wanted to choose the 1st option but I can't stand to see him but like this...sigh...

"Doll I don't want you to force yourself to do something you don't want it's fine if you don't want to...yknow" he replies

(LEMON IF YOU DON'T LIKE 'em skip to the next chapter!)

I kissed him roughly as I hold him tighter signaling him that I'm ready with this.He kissed me back as he pinned me to the bed as he started to kiss and bite my neck again I melted in his touch I was too shy to do anything but blush bright red.

He took my shorts off and started to lick my lower region
"H~ha~! J-Jackie!" I moaned
He drilled his tongue into me as I moaned louder he went rough as I was riding waves of pleasure until I was close I was about to climax until he stopped I looked at him confused.

"I'm not letting you finish yet sweetspark~" he said as he opened his panel to reveal his spike I gulped

I-Is That gonna fit in me!?

He slammed into me it hurt like literal hell I wrapped my legs around his waist as I also wrapped my arms around his neck as I pulled him closer he started to thrust fast.I could hear him growl and moan in my ear which me made me more nervous.

"A~ah~! Jackie~!!" I screamed
"Looks like I found you sweet spot sunshine~" he said as he hit the same spot over and over again I was a moaning mess.

"Scream my name doll,let the world know who you belong to~!" He said in my ear.

"GA-ha~!" I screamed
He looked like he was gonna snap..
Then he stopped
"Say my name..." he whispered
"W-wheeljack.." I said

"I'm not gonna finish until I hear what I wanna hear sunshine~" he said as he thrusts slowly teasing me...

"J-Jackie~! Fuck me like the wrecker you are!" I blurted out

He grabbed my hips and thrusted into me in a stabbing motion
He kept growling in my ear I'm a sucker for his voice I was close and he could tell
"U-ugh~Do it sweetspark-thrust thrust thrust- come for me..." he said as he thrusts harder and harder.

The pleasure was too much for me he was close as well he pulled me close him as he kept going faster until we felt our end
We both shouted as we came
"I love you lu" he said
"I-I love you t-too Jackie" I replied
We smiled at each other as he pulled out of me and I pulled my shorts back on as we both fell asleep In each other's arms.

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