Part 15

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As me,bumblebee,my father and drift walked we found star scream's ship..

"Right So what's the plan are we gonna pound him to the ground of what?" I asked

"Be patient daughter..ace will be okay" Optimus said
"Okay?...OKAY!? my SON is in there and you want me to be PATIENT!?" I screamed The three just looked at me.

"Look we understand your worried but your gonna have to stay strong for ace.." drift said I sighed.

"Fine what's the plan for real?" I said
"Drift and I will distract the guards while you and Optimus get ace" bumblebee said.

So we did that bee and drift distracted the guards but ace he...he wasn't ace anymore.

"Ace!" I shouted
But no answer his eyes were purple with

"No..NO!" I shouted I glared at star scream my eyes glowed bright blue.

"What HAVE YOU DONE TO ACE!?" I shouted as my voice boomed around the walls.

"Well if it isn't a techno organic,I merely made him better..for example..ace destroy them" star scream said as ace nodded

"Ace? Please it's me your mom!" I cried
I didn't want to fight him....

He didn't listen..ace please...
"Ace..." I said as Optimus fought star scream

My eyes were still glowing blue and his were purple reminded me of megatrons that what was scaring me...

He tried to attack but I dodged all his attacks
"JUST DIE!!!" He kept saying yes this hurt me but I knew this wasn't him....

I hugged him before he was gonna kill me
"LET GO!! What do you think your doing!!" He shouted
I didn't listen no matter what I still loved him.

"GET OFF ME G-get of me..." he paused and looked at me

"M-mom..." he cried hugging me
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" he kept on saying in the most regrettable tone.

"'s alright I'll always love you let's get you home—" I said as star scream grabbed my arm why!?—then I saw wheeljack with bumblebee

"Wheeljack what are you doing,You should be resting!" Optimus shouted

"I don't care! My family is in danger prime now you let go of her" wheeljack said.

"Aww how cute the autobot wants his spark-mate! Well surrender and I might let her go" star scream said

"Silence human! So what will it be the girl or you all?" Star scream said

"FINE JUST PLEASE Let her go!" Wheeljack shouted
"I knew you would come to your senses" star scream replied
Just then he let me go and grabbed a

Optimus,drift and bee looked at him in horror

"No..." I said as I stopped on the ground,it had blue cracks everywhere as a earthquake happened.

A werid sword popped in front of me I welded it to star scream who was on the floor..

"W-Wait!! N-no!!" He shouted
It was like something inside of me that wanted me not to kill him
"I....I can't...I'll just be as bad as you..." I said to him
He smirked as he punched me as I fell to the floor.

Just then I heard a bomb going off as wheeljack grabbed me and ace as he turned into his alt mode along with the others the whole placed exploded.

We got back to scrapyard now that finally the decepticons were no more and things were peaceful again until it was time for my father to go back to cybertron along with bulkhead,windblade and ratchet.

"WAIT!!" We heard someone shouted it was Miko
"M...Miko...?" Bulkhead said
"Bulk...please don't leave me again!" She cried

Bulkhead turned to his bipedal mode and miko ran up to him and hugged him they both smiled as Miko kissed him Bulkhead kissed back I was crying with joy at this.

"Ya crying sweet spark?" Wheeljack said as he put a arm over my shoulder

"M-Maybe...?" I replied
"Heheh your just too cute sunshine.." he replied

"Are...are you and bulkhead going back to cybertron...?"I asked
He smiled "of course not sweet spark why would I leave where my home is here and besides I think Bulkhead changed his mind look at them"he replies as well looked at the new couple.

"DAD" Ace and Lilith shouted as they suprisenly tackled him to the ground.

"Wow there little wreckers heheh!" He said as he laughs

"Well I must be going are you staying here Luna?" Optimus asked

"Yes I have a family here father" I said he smiled as he hugged me as ace and Lilith hugged him as well.

And just like that they left weeks went by and me,miko,bulkhead and wheeljack went out together like a date thing as well caught up with old times.

As the sun set me and wheeljack were by the scrapyard ace and Lilith went with Jetstorm and Slipstream.

"Heh...we have been through great stuff huh Jackie? We saved the world at least a few times,had kids and had good times as well" I said

"Sure did sweetspark I love you" he said
"I love you too Jackie" I said as we kissed

I was finally happy..

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