Part 13

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As I was holding Lilith I heard a big thud in my back garden wheeljack went out and went to his normal cybertronian size and it turned out to be bulkhead.

"Bulk!" Wheeljack shouted
"Haha! Jackie!" Bulkhead said as they first bumped
I walked outside as I was holding Lilith and ace following me behind
"WOW! Are you mommy and daddy's friend?" Ace asked

"Wow that's ace? He grew and yeah me and your dad and your mother were like best friends a few years back I can see things have changed you've been busy huh Jackie" Bulkhead said as he nudge him

"Heh you could say that" he said as he smirked at me
I pouted as I blushed full red
"Haven't seen you in a while lulu I see you have kids" Bulkhead replies
"You to bulk geez it's been forever! Also Miko is nearby also" I said

"So what brings you here bulk?" Wheeljack asked
"Cons.." he replied

"I thought Megatron said the decepticons are no more" I said
"Well apparently it was never set in stone me and bee's team have been trying to contact the rest of the team but we couldn't find arcee or ultra Magnus" Bulkhead explains

"Bumblebee is around? Is my father with him?" I asked
"Yeah!" Bulkhead replies
"I was just heading there you guys coming?" He asked
"Sure" wheeljack said as he transformed in his alt mode

"WOAH! DADS A CAR!" Ace yelled I giggled at this as I went in with ace and Lilith.We drove to a scrapyard?

We were introduced to bee's team
Bee was different has his old voice back
Strongarm was nice,Sideswipe was cocky but can be nice at times
Grimlock is a Dino bot hyper ill keep that in mind
a mini con? I remember my father telling me about them his name was Fixit he is smart and nice he tends to glitch out.

Then I noticed Lilith crawling to Slipstream and Jet storm well mostly Slipstream he looked curiously at Lilith.
"Why is she so tiny?" He asked
"She's a baby human babies are like that she will grow when she gets older" I replied

Jetstorm and Slipstream seemed interested in ace and Lilith then drift came
He seemed concerned
"Don't worry drift they're not bothering them" I reassured him

So ace and Lilith spent time with the mini cons ace was protective of Lilith so I could trust him as I talked to my father and bee while wheeljack and bulkhead were with sideswipe and drift.Suprisenly drift,wheeljack and bulkhead got along great.
"I am proud of you my child" Optimus said to me
"Thank you father" I replied

"I see you have two human sparkling what are they're names?" Optimus replies
"The boy is ace and the little girl with Slipstream is Lilith I think she really likes Slipstream" I replied
"They're techno-organics when they turn 10 they are able to transform" Optimus said

"Oh cool!" I replied
"Wait how com I never transformed?" I cut myself of to ask
"Because you have already unlocked it" he said
Then I remembered 3 years back everyone was fighting until a weird energy surge through my veins...

"Wait Wait!! I know you! OMG YOUR LUNA PRIME!" Strongarm fangirled
"H-hehe yea-yeah" I replied

Strongarm and I became friends and so did everyone else I was hanging out with them until it was time to go home.I found ace and tried to find Lilith

"Lilith? Lilith where are you?" I called
"Found her miss Luna" Slipstream said holding her
"Ah! Thank you Slipstream goodbye everyone Jackie you coming you don't have to" I said

"I'll stay here sweetspark but I'll be back soon" he replied
"Alrighty then lets go kids~!" I sang as we walked away

(Wheeljack's PoV)

I was smiling at Luna,ace and Lilith
"So uh what's it like?" Sideswipe asked
"What do ya mean?" I asked
"Y'know having a human as a soulmate two kids who are part human,heck Optimus is now a grandpa!" Sideswipe replies curiously

"When you find love swipe you'll understand"I said as I walked over to bee and Optimus.

"So what's new?" I asked
"Nothing much really we destroyed deception island we just need to figure out why the high council is after us" bumblebee replies

(Luna's PoV)

Lilith and ace were asleep So was i slept on the couch geez it's so quite there hasn't been any decepticon activity in years I wish I would've helped them if I wasn't pregnant with my two kids don't get me wrong I love my kids so so much but I just miss going on missions but my new mission is to protect these two.

Then I heard a window smashing and Lilith crying I ran up the stairs to see a hooded shadow I then ran up and attack it and pinned it to the ground point my gun at the figure.

"GET.OUT" I shouted
Then figure revealed to be Anna...
"Well looks like you caught me yes I was trying to kidnap you daughter because she's not human that's for sure!" She replied

"I am not letting you near my family! Ace take your sister and go to your room!" I shouted

(Ace's PoV)
My mommy told me to take Lilith so I did i am intelligent for a 5 year old while mommy and the bad lady were fighting I called the police..

"911 what's the emergency?" The lady said
"My mommy is getting hurt by a intruder" I called out
"Okay where do you live?" She asked
"In the forest in south lane.." I replied

"Okay don't worry we will be there in a second where is your mother?" She asked.
"She's trying to defend herself...I'm with my little sister right now..she's only 3 months old.." I replied
"Oh god..okay please hold tight they're coming" she said as the power cut out.

I felt scared..Lilith started to cry
"Sissy p-please dont c-cry!" I said
I holder her tightly then I heard screaming then I heard the police bust down the door I unlocked the door it was mommy h-her eye was cut..
"M-m-mommy y-your eye!" I shouted
"I'll be fine you can come out now you two I'll go talk with the policeman" she said as she walked to the police person

(Luna's PoV)
So I explained everything
"Well I'm terribly sorry about your eye ma'am and don't worry she'll be in the slammer for a looooong time" the officer replied
"Thank you and it's fine I can fix it" I replied
"You have a good night miss" he said
"You too cya" I said as I shut the door

My kids were on the sofa looking at me worried
"Mommy who was that scary lady...?" Ace asked

"I-it...was my old bully in high school she hated me but that's not what matters now she'll be in there for a long time just don't tell your father he kinda gets protective at times" I said

Ace just nodded as we watched cartoons until we all fell asleep
I felt someone nudge me
"Hey sunshine" wheeljack said
"Oh hey Jackie" I replied
"So what even happened?" He asked
"W-What do you mean...?" I replied

"The broken window and knife marks on the wall" he said
"I-it was nothing wheeljack probably just a bird or something" I lied I didn't want him to worry..

"Sweetspark please...I can tell when your lying and why are you covering your eye with your hair...?"he replies worriedly
"It's nothing really!" I shouted as he pushed my hair to reveal my eye
His optics widened
"Who..." he said coldly

"It dosent matter wheeljack!" I shouted
"Who did this Luna!" He shouted back
I sighed and looked away
"A...Anna...but she's in jail now Jackie it's fine!" I replied
"How it that fine!? Your eye is bleeding! That's not FINE" he replied

This woke ace and Lilith up
"Daddy...?" Ace said
We looked at him
"she couldn't...defend herself...please don't get mad at her" ace replied sweetly

"I'm not mad at her little guy it's just...I'm worried for her safety she was a really shy person and I couldn't blame her but this this "Anna" girl is taking it too far" wheeljack replies

So wheeljack helped heal my eye and we got on for the rest of the day

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