Part 12

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I was about to head out to meet with miko
"Jackie are you sure You know how to take care of a kid?" I asked
"Yeah it's a piece of cake lu" He replied
"Yeah..well I'll cya guys later and ace behave yourself please" I said as I headed out.

(Wheeljack's PoV)
It can't be that hard taking care of a child I see Luna do it so how hard can it be?
"So what do ya wanna do ace?" I asked
"Play!" He cheered happily
"Alright then what do ya wanna play?" I asked him
He brought out a nurf gun
"It's a baby with a gun.." I said to myself

(Luna's PoV)
I feel like ace is gonna do something silly anyway I met Miko and she never changed except she was taller than me hehe.We talked for like 2 hours and had ice cream and after that we went to my house cause she wanted to see ace and wheeljack.

When we got inside we saw ace asleep with wheeljack holding him
"Aw!" Me and miko said
"Hey sweetspark and miko" he said
"Sup Jackie aww!!! Your son is so cute!!!" Miko said as she looked at ace

"Heh yeah he's a mini wrecker" wheeljack replies and then looks at me
I noticed this he's doing the smirk...

"Hey miko is it alright you take ace for the night?" He asked
"Oh sure! Jack and his gf is staying for the night at my place anyway!" Miko replies.

I was sorta concerned as to why he was asking Miko to take our son but I just shrugged as soon as Miko left with ace it was around 9pm.I was watching tv when I felt wheeljack hugging me from behind I squeaked.

"Hehe still do that? 3 years and you haven't changed a bit honey" he replied
"Jackie you know I'm shy" I said nervously
"Also why did you make Miko take ace for the night?" I asked curiously
"Heh well sweetspark I just wanted us to have alone time yknow~?" He replies.

So that night we just talked he would flirt with me just to get me embarrassed until we went to bed.I felt him pin me to the bed
"H-heh u-uh w-wheeljack...? W-what are you d-doing?" I asked completely nervous.He just nuzzled my neck then looked at me

" you want another kid?" He asked
"Y-Yeah b-but if y-your okay with it I j-just thought you only wanted one I guess heh" i replied

"That's what I thought about you heh guess we confused each other sometimes" he replied

"Are you sure your okay about this sweetspark~?" He asked
"Yes wheeljack" I said as I wrapped my legs around his hips
"Hehehe..well then let's have some fun shall we~?" He said in my ear
"Y-Yeah" I replied

-in the morning-

I woke up with wheeljack next to me I smiled and got up surprisingly I was fine I was able to walk when I was pregnant with ace he done it to rough obviously he was in heat.I puked all morning on that day and I could tell wheeljack was worried but eh knew it was a human female thing so he tried to support me.

When ace came back I thanked Miko and shut the door me and wheeljack decided to wait until the test of the gender of the baby to tell ace.So it has been 6 months and wheeljack got this weird scanner thing that apparently can scan the gender.He scanned me and the results turned pink meaning it was a girl I smiled.

"Ace" I called to our son
"Yea mommy?" He replied
"Your gonna be a big brother,and you'll have a little sister" as soon as I said that ace was bouncing off the walls he was so excited.

So 6 months later gave birth to my baby girl she had brown eyes like one of mine but with blue and light grey hair.
"What will we call her mommy?" Ace asked
"Hmm How about Lilith?" I asked
They agreed with the name

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