Part three

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I was hanging out with miko and bulkhead the base was quiet today well almost
"WHEELJACK!!!!" Ratchet shouted
Wheeljack was my new guardian and he is cool but really likes to blow up stuff
"Oops sorry doc" he replied
"What did you do this time Jackie?" Bulkhead asked

"Oof" I replied
"Hey sunshine" wheeljack said to me
"Hey wheeljack Why are you annoying ratchet?" I asked him
"I may have accidentally nearly blew up on of doc's experiments" wheeljack replies
"STOP CALLING ME DOC" ratchet shouted
"Alright...sunshine" he said

I laughed while ratchet was more annoyed
"Hey kid wanna go for a drive" wheeljack asked me
"Uh sure" I replied as he turned into his alt mode and I got in as he drove off

I was quiet the whole time
"So kid what's up" wheeljack asked me
"I'm alright" I replied
We talked until I put the window down because it was a hot day then I saw the two girls who made fun of me.I lowered myself down

"You alright sunshine...?" Wheeljack asked
"J-just stay quiet..." I whispered

But it was too late..

"Well if it isn't the freak! Ew look at her eye! It's so disgusting no wonder her mother died she must've killed herself if she looked at you!" The girl said

They were in a car with a 2 boys and three girls they all laughed at me and drove off tears stained my cheeks wheeljack noticed that and was speechless.

"L-Luna..." he said
I hugged my knees
"Why do you let them talk you down like that...? You can't let them push you around" he said with anger in his tone.

"Why bother...there only gonna harass me it's true I am ugly and if I wasn't born my mother could've been alive..." I said silently crying

(Wheeljack's PoV)

Those humans had no right to say that to her she hasn't done anything wrong why would she think that's true she's adorable and her eyes are unique..I am not letting them get away with this...

"We are going after them" I said
"Wh-wheeljack no!, please there's no point!" She said
"Luna it's horrible how they treat you!" I said while driving
"Jackie please...don't..." she cried

"Alright...if that's what you want then I guess it's fine...but if they hurt you tell me" I said to her she only nodded as we drove off

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