Part four

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(Luna's PoV)
We headed back to the base I felt better so that was great I guess then I heard ultra Magnus shouting at wheeljack.

"Solider I didn't give you permission to leave the base" ultra Magnus said
"I don't need your crummy permission boss" wheeljack replied
"Don't talk to your superior like that!" He replies
"You can't tell me what I can and can't do!" Wheeljack shouted

Here we go again them two arguing I was with my father Optimus and we heard them arguing.

"Ultra Magnus,wheeljack that is enough" Optimus said
Wheeljack just growled and stormed off
I sighed

"Father" I said
"Yes Luna?" Optimus asked
"Is it okay if I go see wheeljack maybe I can calm him down" I said
"Alright" Optimus said
Ultra Magnus looked shocked
"She is your child?" He asked
"Yes" Optimus replied

"Yeah it's because I look human isn't it" I asked ultra Magnus
"Yes actually" he replied
"Well anyway ima go see Jackie" I said as I walked away

I walked in his quarters and knocked
"Go away!" Wheeljack shouted
"It's me Jackie" I replied

He opened the door as I walked in
I sat next to him

"You alright?" I asked

"No it's ultra Magnus he likes to tell me what I can and can't do! He's not the boss of me he doesn't need to know what I do or what I think! It's so stupid!" He said

"Well he is bossy he will be like that but you and him need to get along even if you don't like him" I replied

"Yeah maybe..thanks Luna" wheeljack said and smiled
"It's fine" I replied

"LUNNNAAAAAA" Miko shouted
Me and wheeljack walked out to see her with her guitar and speaker....oh no
"Hi Luna! We are making a band! You wanna sing??" Miko asked
"You never told me you could sing sunshine~" wheeljack flirted
"I-I can't!" I replied

"Yeah you can remember when we were 10? I think my mom had a video" Miko replied
"What did she sing?" Jack asked
"Cheap thrills I'm gonna text my mom see if she has it!"Miko replies

A minute later miko's mom sent her the video and miko put it on the big computer and bulkhead,Jack,raf,arcee,bumblebee and wheeljack saw it.

It was me and miko,miko was on the guitar and me with the mic.

Little Luna: baby I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight!
Lil miko:I love cheap thrills!
Little Luna: I don't need no money~! As long as I keep dancing~!
Lil miko: I love cheap thrills
Lil Luna: c'mon come on turn the radio on it's Saturday and I won't be long~!
Lil miko:gotta do my hair,put my high heels on~!
Lil Luna:it's Saturday and I won't be long till I hit the dance floor~!
Lil miko: hit the dance floor!
Lil Luna: I got all I need no I ain't got cash
Lil miko: no I ain't got cash
Lil Luna: but I got you baby~!

The video was paused I was blushing bright red as everyone was impressed and was clapping
"Awww that was adorable sunshine~" wheeljack said smiling
I covered my face it was bright red
"Mikoooo I'm gonna kill you!!!" I shouted
"Well I thought it was cute why didn't you tell me you could sing sunshine?" Wheeljack asked.

"I.cant.sing!!" I shouted
"That looked like singing to me"acree said
"Y-Yes b-but-ARGH" I was so embarrassed

Everyone just smiled and thought it was adorable

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