Part five

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I was at school with miko and jack we were getting our stuff from the lockers
"Did you hear about the prom in 3 weeks? I heard it's gonna be a blast~!" Miko shouted
"Ye-Yeah" I replied
"So you guys gonna ask your crushes out?" I said
"I don't have one" Miko said
"I do but I don't think she will say yes" jack said

"SPILL.THE.TEA.JACK.!" Miko said with stars in her eyes
"Bailey.." he replied
"Y-Yeah it will be okay jack you have nothing to worry about" I replied
"Who do you have a crush on Luna? You've never told us YOUR crush" Miko said

"U-uh I do not have one...?" I lied
"She's doing the face,Luna your blushing so obviously you have a crush~!" Miko explained.
"I don't have one!!!" I lied again
"Yep she has one who is it?" Jack said suspiciously

Can I really tell them...?
"Well anyway I gotta head to class cya" jack said as he left

Miko gave me the 'tell-me' look
"Fiiiinnneee" I shouted
"'s..." I stuttered
"Who~?" Miko said with excitement
"Wheeljack..." I said as I covered my face

Miko was shocked then had a huge smile on her face....oh no
"Miko! No your gonna fan girl—"
"OH MY GOD!!!! THATS SO CUTE!!!!" She shouted
People just looked at us
"U-uh nothing to see here people move along!!" I said

Everyone just went back to what they were doing as we started to walk out of the school

"That is so cute! That explains why you blush every time you see him! OH MY GOD HOW WILL OPTIMUS REACT!?" Miko asked

"Miko if you tell anyone I will personally murder" I said defensively

Just then Miko saw bulkhead to pick her up
"Good luck with wheeljack!" Miko shouted as she got in and left

I sat and waited for wheeljack just then I heard someone behind me it was the girl and her gang who bullies me I found out her name was Anna.

"Well well Well look who do we have here?" Anna said
"What d-do you w-want?" I asked
"Oh for you to go die in a ditch! Why are you even here this school is for PEOPLE not FREAKS!" Anna replied

I got up and said

"It had enough of you calling me a freak just because I have two different coloured eyes it wasn't my choice to have these kind of eyes! Some people in the world have the same thing I have! So why are you picking on me...? You insult me I've done nothing to provoke you all..." I shouted

"You did provoke us you think your better than us or something just because your smart no one likes you! Everyone hates you and your stupid eyes! Go.die" Anna said as she punched me in the face.
Then they all started to hurt me I couldn't fight back...all I could do was cry..then They left...I picked myself up just then I heard wheeljack I walked up to him he then told me to get in and we drove off into some forest and he transformed back.

"what.happened.." he said
"N-nothing..." I lied
"Your covered in bruises! What happened was it that girl and her gang again!?" Wheeljack shouted
"So what if it was! I can't fight back!" I cried

"...l-Luna..." he said
He went human sized were all autobots able to do that??
He hugged me from behind
"W-wheeljack w-what are y-you..." I said
He hugged me tightly

"Luna your my best human friend....I worry for you what if they badly hurt you or worse...?" Wheeljack said

My heart broke when he had said best friend...

(Later at the base)

"Geez you got beaten up badly I'll kill them!" Miko shouted
"Calm down is fine.." I replied
"It is not fine Luna" my father said as he knelt to me
"You cannot let them hurt you" he replied
" Dosen't matter just..." I stuttered

I got up and walked out
"Where are you going?" Miko asked
"I want to be alone please" I said as I left
I was on top of the base as the night sky was more beautiful then ever I sat against a rock while looking at the stars...

Just then I heard someone come up
"I told you t—" it was wheeljack
"Oh it's just you Jackie what is it...?" I asked
"Look sunshine I came up here to tell you something..." he said
"What is it...?" I asked hiding my blush

"I...I'm in love with you Luna" he said
I was shocked h-he likes m-me...?
"I-if you don't feel the same that's fine..." wheeljack said

I grabbed his face and kissed him he kissed back
"I love you too wheeljack I was just scared you wouldn't like me back..." I admit
He cuddle me in his metallic chest

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