Part six

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I was training with ultra Magnus since Optimus Who was my father wanted me to learn combat In Order to help him win the war I agreed to it because I wanted to save both cybertron and earth..I got these cool katanas!

I had a blue mask and battle clothes it was cool! I was the strongest human in the base one day I was with wheeljack for a drive since we were bored suddenly there was a decepticon it was red and white.

"Scrap sweetspark hold on" wheeljack said
"Hold on to wh—OH GEEZ" I said as wheeljack sped up
"Jackie was that a con?" I asked
"Yeah and it wants you the cons found out you exist and now they want you" Wheeljack said as he kept on driving.

"We should be safe here.. I'll keep look out you stay put" he said as he transformed and ran after the con.

"Hey there pal" a female voice said
I turned around it was a girl around my age with dark brown hair and red eyes with black cracks under them.
"W-Who are y-you...?" I asked bringing my katanas out

"Woah there I mean no harm I am Scarlett daughter of Megatron,your Optimus's child right?" 'Scarlet' replies

"How do you know...?" I asked suspiciously
"The eye gives it away also because our fathers had a history together..." Scarlett replies
"Well what do you want from me...?" I asked
"Oh yeah I sorta have to kidnap you so~" she said as she tried to grab me then I flung her against the tree.

"In your dreams con!" I shouted as I threw one of jackie's bombs at her
"Energon bombs huh~?" She replies as she took a hit form the bomb
Then we started to fight which went on for 5 minutes until she injected something into me then I fainted....

I woke up in a unfamiliar place I tried to get up but I was too weak I could see my veins...they were green I gulped and managed to get up was I on the nemesis ship...?

As I kept walking I saw scarlet with...Megatron
"W...what am I here!?" I shouted
"Ah the primes daughter,good job my child you are better then star scream" Megatron says proudly
Star scream looked offended and walked away while scarlet smirked at this
"I won't ask the 2nd" I said as I looked him dead in the eyes

"You are here because you mean a lot to the prime if he gives me the all spark I will spare you" he replies

"PAH! Like my father will just HAND YOU the all spark! Kill me if you want but you ain't getting it bucket head!" I replied grinning
"I see you really believe that? Well then...maybe I should pay a old friend a visit...tell me where the base is.." he said

"Do I look stupid to you as if I'll reveal the autobot base you can't make me talk!" I shouted

"Tell me or else.." he replies
"Or else what? You'll shoot me Oh I'm soooo scared!"I said sarcastically
"Don't test me femme!,Scarlett get her to talk" Megatron asked
"With pleasure~!" Scarlet sang as she walked up to me

She cut my skin on my arm I'll admit it hurt both energon and blood came out
"GAH!!" I shouted
"Well if you tell me where the base is we will let you go unharmed but if your gonna keep disobeying us you'll be harmed" scarlet said
"Heh you think a little cut will get me to talk...!?" I said smirking

"A little it's half way up your arm!!!" Scarlet shouted
"When you get beaten up for the past 10 years you get use to pain" I replied

"Argh! Forget it scarlet she will be locked in a cell" Megatron said as scarlet pushed me into a cell.

"Have fun~!" Scarlet said evilly

Great..lm locked in a cell what now...?
I reached for my pocket oh my god they may be evil but there actually so stupid they didn't even search me!

I called miko
"Luna! Where are you!? You've been gone for hours!" Miko shouted
"Shh! Miko Megatron and his daughter captured me and I don't have much time he injected my with some sort of green energon" I replied looking at my veins

"Synthetic energon!, Luna be careful that will weaken you,your half human it's never been tested on humans! We will ground bridge to you" ratchet said in the phone I wa son speaker on the main computer.

"No! You could risk him finding you all I'll find a way to escape myself" I replied
"KID your gonna get yourself killed!" Wheeljack shouted
"Jackie I'll be fine I'm strong I can handle this" I replied to my boyfriend

(Wheeljack's Pov)
"No I ain't gonna let them harm you! Doc ground bridge NOW!" I shouted
"Wheeljack remain calm" Optimus said
"OPTIMUS Luna is in danger and your telling me to STAY CALM!? SHES YOUR CHILD!" I snapped

"Do NOT yell at your superior!" Magnus yelled
"DON'T.TELL.ME.WHAT.TO.DO!" I yelled as I pushed past him
"Luna I am getting you back" I shouted
"Jackie no! Don't you dare! They kill you!" Luna shouted
"I'm a wrecker Luna I can and I will" I said as I transformed and drove off

"I have to go!" I heard her as she cut off form the phone

(No ones PoV)
Ultra Magnus sighed
"That wrecker don't follow orders.." Ultra Magnus said clearly angry
"He has a pure spark ultra Magnus he's just following what his spark is saying" Optimus replied

"But what about Luna!?" Miko shouted
"Yeah...won't they kill her or experiment on her?" Raf replies

"Luna has powers that not even I could predict..she will unlock them eventually let's just hope wheeljack is taking his word for it if he's in danger he will contact us and we will help him" Optimus replies

Everyone nodded and waited...

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