Part 11

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(3 years later still Luna's PoV)

I haven't seen the bots in 3 years i am 20 years old and my son is 4 he has cybertronian eyes and dark blue hair with grey at the bottom he's going to kindergarten when he's 5...Come to think of it he never said his first word he would mumble.

Whenever I would take him to the park the other kids will love him cause they think he's cool but the parents just look at me in disgust.
'But she's so young and what with her child's eyes'

I heard someone whisper I would say nothing there's no point fighting back but I loved ace he was my son I don't care about his expression or looks I'll always love him.So I put him in his stroller and we would go around in the park I haven't seen Miko raf or jack since 3 years I heard jack has moved in with his girlfriend,miko moved back to Japan and raf is in high school studying to become a scientist or a computer expert.

As I was playing with ace I heard a knock on my door I opened it to reveal...a note...?

Hey sunshine,

Meet me at the forest at night


WJ? Should I really go? 'Sunshine'?
The only person who called me that was—w...wheeljack...?
I'm bringing ace with me...

It was currently 10:00pm I should probably go so I went to go see this mysterious person.The moonlight was bright ace really seemed to like it he was wide awake when I said we are going to the forest he loves the night sky just like me.

I waited here for like a minute with ace was looking at the stars then I heard someone.
"Oh you actually came sunshine"
"W-wheeljack...?" I said
He was human sized he had a scar on his left eye

"Yep" he replied
I ran up and hugged him while crying he hugged back
"I thought I would never see you again! I-I thought you might've been.." I said but stopped

"Dead? I would never leave you and ace where is the little guy?" He said
Ace walked up to him
"Hey little buddy" wheeljack said
Ace seemed puzzled and looked at me
"He's your father kiddo" I replied

Ace ran up and hugged wheeljack
"Missed you too ace" wheeljack replies
"So what happened?" I asked

"Well we restored cybertron but the high council wanted to arrest those who helped Optimus I don't know about the others but I managed to escape outta there I feel like something is wrong with the way cybertron is ruled now..bumblebee and Optimus are trying to figure out why their doing this" wheeljack explained

"Wow...and your scar?" I asked worried as I touched it
"I'm fine Luna I'm a wrecker after all~"he replied
"Heh..I really did missed you Jackie" I said
"I missed you as well sweetspark" he said as he holder my hand

So that's when wheeljack started to live with us and your not gonna believe what ace's first word was...

I was washing up until I heard a explosion outside I rushed out
"What the hell was that!?!" I shouted
"Relax I was just teaching ace about things of being a wrecker" he replies
"Jackie babies and Grenades don't mix" I said
"G-g...grenades!" Ace said
That was his first word

"Hehe nice one ace" wheeljack said proudly
I sat next to wheeljack looking at ace
"Your first word was not meant to be a bomb" I said
"Bomb!" Ace replies

Wheeljack started laughing his helm off at this
"Wheeljack what have you done to our child?" I said jokingly
"Like father like son they say—aw come on lu it's normal my first word was swords" wheeljack replies

We taught ace how to walk,speak and all that I was drinking a milkshake while wheeljack was talking to me until ace walked in and looked at us.

"Ya alright ace?" Wheeljack asked
"Can I have another sibling?" He asked normal
I chocked on my drink as wheeljack smirked
"U-u-um w-w-Well um.." I stuttered I was a blushing mess
"We will think about it kid"wheeljack said happily at our son then he smirked at me

"YAY! thanks!!" Ace said as he ran upstairs to his room
I glared at wheeljack still blushing
"JACKIE!" I shouted embarrassed
"Relax sunshine,it's fine" he joked
I groaned I mean it would be nice to have another child plus ace gets lonely most of the time..

Then I got a phone call from a familiar number
"Hello?" I said
"LUNA!" Miko shouted
"Miko!!" I replied
"How have you been!? It's been ages since I met you!" Miko asked
"Great I got a house near the forest ace is 4 and said his first two words and wheeljack is back so yeah not that much" I replied

"Not that much!? THATS SO MUCH WE NEED TO HANG OUT!" She shouted
"Sure when?" I asked
"You free tomorrow?" She asked
"Yeah!" I replied
"Sweet! I don't know if jack or raf will come since jack and his girlfriend have moved out of town and raf with his work experience but I'll definitely come! Is Bulkhead with yous?" She said then asked

"No...I'll ask wheeljack" I said as I went to look for him
"Wheeljack was Bulkhead with you when you crash landed here?" I asked
" he not with miko...?" He asked
"No.." I replied

"Oh well I-it's fine guys anyway I'll see ya tomorrow Luna" she said
"Cya Miko" I said as I hung up
Wheeljack looked sad I sat next to him
"He will be fine Jackie he always has been" I replied trying to support him
"Your right sweetspark thanks" he said softly as he smiled back at me

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