Part 14(10 years later)

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I am currently 29 years old Ace is 15 and Lilith is ten and ace learned how to unlock his techno organic powers he can bring out laser guns and has katanas.Lilith still hasn't unlocked it.

Me and wheeljack still live together he would go on missions I would occasionally come with,bulkhead and miko reunited raf visited us and bumblebee was excited to see him and how much he grew he looked like human version of ratchet except he still had his spikes hair and glasses.

My father Optimus asked if I wanted to come with him to a place called griffin rock I agreed so I decided to take Lilith with me because he begged me to let her.As we got there through the ground bridge Optimus introduced me to the burns family they were all really nice there was made the oldest who was 30 dani was 25 graham was 26 and Cody was 16.

When I was introduced to the rescue bots Lilith seemed interested in Boulder she would blush every time she hangs about or sees him.
"You got a crush~?" I teased
"MOM!" Lilith shouted embarrassed
I giggled at this

Let me tell you what my two kids are like I never mentioned what they were like.Lets start with ace he's just like wheeljack likes to blow up stuff and fight he is nice but cocky at the same time wonder where he got it from heh

Lilith is the complete opposite of her brother she's calm,likes to read books she's very fond of them and is really smart no wonder her and Boulder get along.I have been staying here for a month now and it was fun! I was with Charlie burns and Optimus taliking about mission stuff.

(Lilith's PoV)

I have grown a crush on boulder but I know he will never like me back and cause I'm like 10 heh....
"You alright Lilith?" Boulder asked
"Y-y-Yeah..." I stuttered
"You seem nervous is something wrong?" He replied

"I-is it wrong that...I-I like you...?" I asked nervously
Boulder turned bright blue and was stuttering
"U-uh w-what d-do you mean by that?" He asked
"Like a had a crush on you for awhile but I know it's wrong since I'm a child.." I replied

"How about when your 17we can date"Boulder replies
I smiled brightly
"Yeah I-I better g-go bye Boulder" I said as I rushed to my mom
I can't wait until I'm 17!!!

(Luna's PoV)
Heh she seemed to have fun with Boulder we decided it was time to head home as We got to the house I felt something was wrong...

"What's wrong mom?" Lilith asked
"Something's wrong..." I replied
"What-t do you m-mean...?" She asked
"I can sense something evil is in here.." I replied again

As I opened the door ace was gone and wheeljack was knocked out
"Wheeljack!" I shouted as I ran up to him
"Where's...ace!?" Lilith shouted
"Nghh..." wheeljack groaned
"W-wheeljack! What on earth happened!?" I asked

"S...starscream...he...he's back" he stuttered
"Jackie we need to take you to ratchet" I said as I helped him up as we walked to the scrapyard.

Ratchet managed to fix wheeljack
"So your saying starscream has ace!?" Bumblebee asked
"Yeah..I couldn't stop him...I'm going after him I am not letting my kid get hurt by that con!" Wheeljack said as he tried to get up

"No your not your injuries need time to heal we will get him back" bumblebee said

"Bumblebee I'm going with you" I replied
"No me Optimus and the others will handle it you,wheeljack and Lilith stay put" bumblebee said
"He's MY child bee" I replied with tears in my eyes
"I believe she should go" Optimus replied

"Very well then but you stay with us" bee said to me
I nodded

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