Part two

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As we walked in we saw it was some sort of base there were four more of what they call themselves "autobots".Then this kid with spiked hair and glasses was there jack said

"Hold on I recognise you! We were saved from a yellow robot!"
"Yeah I'm Raf and the yellow robot is bumblebee" the kid explains
"Well it's uhh nice to meet you all hehe!" I said
"THIS IS SO COOL!!" Miko shouted

Just then a autobot that was taller than the rest of them he was supposed to resemble a truck I'm guessing.
"Who are you all and why are we here?" I asked
He knelt down and said

"We are autobots I am Optimus prime,we came to earth because our planet was destroyed and the decepticons want to make this planet their by transforming it into what they image..we are here to stop and we will stop at nothing until your planet is safe" he explained

"O-oh" I said surprised
"Decepticons? Autobots!? What the hell?" Jack said
"I understand if you are confused but you will remain with us" Optimus said
"U-uh okay" jack replies

So miko,raf and jack got guardians which were bumblebee,arcee and bulkhead while I don't have one but I'm fine with that.Then a few weeks later there were two new autobots it was so weird.

"JACKIE!" Bulkhead shouted
As he ran to the wrecker he was grey,white,red and green and his glowing neon blue eyes and scarred lips.danm...

"Luna may I speak to you in private" Optimus asked
"Uhh sure Optimus" I replied

We walked to the other room
"So what's up?" I asked
"Show me your other eye please" he asked
"P-promise you won't hate me?" I asked
"Promise" he replied

I showed him my other eye I just noticed something his eyes are the same as my eye..and my hair is the same as his dark blue colour...

" can't be..." he said
"You alright there...?" I asked
"H-how can you be alive.." he said
"What do you mean? I've been alive for like 17 years" I replied confused
"What was your mother's name...?" He asked
"Elizabeth rose" I replied

Optimus has tears? In his optics
"A-are you okay? your crying" I asked
"That was my sparkmate.." he said
Wait d-dose this mean....

"D-dose this mean.." I said crying
I looked up at him
"D-dad...?" I cried
He nodded and went human sized and hugged me

"I can't believe it's you! I thought I would never meet you! And strangely enough your a autobot dose this mean I'm part autobot...?" I cried

"Yes you are a unique species" he replied

"I still can't believe it's you.." I cried into his chest
Everyone say this and aww'ed

Optimus returned to his normal size
"Wait Luna Optimus is your father!!!" Miko shouted
"Yes I am" Optimus replies
"Dose this mean Luna is immortal!?" Jack asked

"Autobots don't age so she's basically immortal" ratchet replies

This is interesting but I'm happy I finally found my real father

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