Chapter 11

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Hey readers! I will be updating whenever I can. I hope you will give me your support as it really motivates me to continue the story hehe :) So, here's the new update. I'm not putting the recap from the previous chapter anymore but let me know. If you guys want it :)

Jungkook's Pov

It's been almost 1 month since we actually saw Bomi. We still can't find Bomi even with Jackson Hyung's help. Why would she just disappear. I really miss her and I'm sure hyungs miss her too. I hope she is fine and safe. I kept thinking of her until Rapmon Hyung told me it was time for school.

I immediately went out of my room and put on my shoes before leaving the dorm

Meanwhile in Yoon's hospital...

Bomi's Pov

Almost 4 weeks of treatment. No improvement. It seems like my condition is getting worse day by day. I'm always on my bed and barely get off my bed except when I have to bath or use the toilet. Everytime when I feel sad or emotional, my head will start to hurt and as the day go by the pain gets more and more unbearable. I hope I can get better soon. I can't see my parents getting worried all the time.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door and someone entered. When I look up, I saw my best friend, Chorong Unnie. It's been so long since we met. I remember when she had to leave because of her parents' work. She walked up to my bed and I could clearly see how worried she was. She was getting teary. Before she could ask me anything, I spoke up first.

"Hey Unnie! It's been so long. How are you? I really missed you. Come and give me a hug." I said with the brightest smile I had.

She smiled back and said she was fine before giving me a big hug. But right after that she told me why she was here and bombed me with a thousand questions.

"I just got back since my parents had to shift back to Korea. When I tried to look for you at your house, you weren't there. Then I tried calling you but you didn't pick up. I had to go all the way down to your parents' company and when they told me you were hospitalised, I rushed over here. Are you okay? How are you feeling now? Did the doctor say anything? Will you get better?" Chorong Unnie asked. The questions went on and on. Then I decided to stop her.

"Calm down Unnie. How am I supposed to reply all the questions if you won't let me talk." I said nicely.

"Oh right. I'm sorry. I'm just really worried. Okay now answer me." Chorong Unnie said.

"I'm feeling fine. The doctor said that I need to control my emotions so that my condition won't get worse. I do have headaches from time to time but it's fine. I didn't tell you because it was also really sudden for me. One moment I was having fun with my friends, then the next moment I was in the hospital, then now I'm going through treatment. But honestly, the treatment is not really helping. I'm sorry for not telling you" Once I finished saying, I kept my head low and played with my fingers.

Chorong's Pov

When I heard what Bomi said, I soften and gave her another hug, telling her that everything was going to be alright and that I will be here to support her. After that we started talking about our life since I moved.

She told me that she actually disguise herself as a nerd in school since boys would go crazy over her because of her looks and some girls would make use of her to get what they want.

She also told me that she liked this guy named Chanyeol and how he accepted her confession because he wanted to use her to make this girl named Naeun jealous. Arghh such a jerk, I will beat the crap out of him the next time I see him. He really doesn't know how to cherish such a gem when he actually sees one.

She moved on and told me about how these group of guys saved her without even knowing her and was actually from the same school as her before her parents withdraw her from the school. They even hangout and went to the beach. From the way she talked, it seems to have an interest in one of the boys. But I can't remember his name.

She actually spoke up and said that she wanted to go back to school but she was sure that her parents wouldn't allow, seeing no improvement in her condition.

I think if her condition improves, I will talk to her parents. That is the least I can do for her. I just hope she gets better soon.

Well, after catching up for so long, I decided to stay over to look after her since her parents couldn't come today. We just kept talking and talking. And of course we did eat. When we were tired we dozed off....

As for Bts...

They ended school and Rapmon was shocked to hear good news from Jackson. He managed to find where Bomi was at currently but that's all he could find.

Rapmon's Pov

Once we ended school, Jackson called me and told me her found where Bomi was but couldn't find any other details. I thanked him and told him I will treat him the next time we meet up before hanging up.

I immediately told the boys the good news. And they were all happy to hear it. This was the first time they were actually all smiling since the day we couldn't find Bomi, especially Jungkook. He was so sad and always seem like he was in his own world. Now, I'm glad he is smiling. We should visit the hospital this Saturday. I hope she is alright.

After the good news, I told them to get some rest since there was still school tomorrow. And they all went to their rooms quietly.

Jungkook's Pov

That's great news. I'm so happy to see Bomi soon. Once I got into my room, I was jumping like crazy before lying on my bed and looking at the ceiling thinking about Bomi. Soon, i dozed off....

That's the end of this chapter. I don't really like this chapter. But thanks for reading and I hope you like it. I'm sorry for the errors I made. Please vote and comment :)

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