Chapter 15

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Hey readers! This chapter will be slightly longer so do bear with me. Hope you like this update. So here it is...

Bomi's Pov

"Yah Yoon Bomi. Wake up right now. We are going to be late." Chorong Unnie screamed and whacked me.

"5 more minutes Unnie." I mumbled.

"Fine. When I come back, you better be awake." Chorong Unnie said calmly this time.

Luckily, she didn't come back to get me up. I think I eventually woke up after 15 minutes HAHA. I'm sure I am not the only one okay. I just hope I won't be too late for school. After all, it's only my first day of school.

I got ready and realised Chorong Unnie left me already. She can be such an ass at times but oh wells, I got my motorbike and zoommmm HAHA. I reached school 5 minutes before lesson started. Phew... I parked my motorbike and walked to the office to get my new timetable.

Somehow it was awkward for me. I heard so many people gossiping and like guys staring at me? What the heck is wrong with these people. Creeps... Anyways, I got my new timetable and guess what I spent like 30 minutes in the principal's office because she wanted to remind me to take care of my health and tell her if anything is wrong. Oh and she even said that I have access to a secret rooftop at one of the blocks. Yay, this day can't get any better man.

Finally when she was done nagging, I thanked her and headed to my new classroom. Sure I had no problem getting there since this was my school but I was still pretty nervous. Oh wells... Here goes nothing... I knocked on the door and entered. The teacher told me to introduce myself and well more staring...

RM's Pov

Oh my god! I can't believe I was right. The transfer student is really BOMI. She looks different and she seems very cold? Almost as cold as Suga Hyung HAHA. Looking at the others, I am sure they are going to approach her later. I just hope everything will be fine.

Jungkook's Pov

BOMI! She's back finally. I missed her so much after she left and hoped she would come back. Now she is here, right in front of me and in the same class. I am so going to be the first person to talk to her. Anyways, she sat down right beside us with I think Chorong and someone else? She just changed classes not long ago so I don't know her name. Don't judge me.

So class went by just like that and it was lunch time...

I was going to get Bomi to eat with us but before I knew it, she was already left with the 2 girls. So Hyungs and I left for the cafeteria. As usual, fangirls cling onto us and after much struggle, we managed to find seats and got our food. But what caught my attention was Naeun's group of girls? They seem very mad at something and I was trying to hear what they were saying. Sadly, I was only able to hear some words like "Bomi such a bitch", "Attention-seeking whore" and "Time to let her know..."

I can't believe I am listening to people's conversation HAHA. Guilty but I have to protect Bomi, I feel that they are planning something. Maybe I should tell the Hyungs? Or I can have Bomi all to myself? Sorry Hyungs HAHA, I won't share my future girl with you guys. With that, we all finished our food and went to our lockers to chill for a while.

Suga's Pov

While we were at our lockers. I was thinking of Bomi. I heard what Naeun and her girls were planning. Damn those bitches don't know when to stop man... I don't want Bomi to get hurt or more hurt than she already is. I can see it you know, like her sudden change in behaviour. She seems so cold on the outside and barely talks to anyone except for friends. She is hiding something for sure and I'm not going to just sit here and chill.

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