Chapter 18

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"Jason! come here!" i hear mama yell. i groan and throw my pillow on the floor. "i could never sleep in this house" i mumble and open my room door. "what is it?" i ask while walking in to the kitchen. 

"can you pick Josh up from school? he got into a fight" Mama says while closing the fridge. i raise my eyebrow "what? what are you talking about? what time is it?" i look at the microwave. 

it's 2 o'clock. "damn i slept all day" i mumble running my fingers through my hair. "why do i have to pick him up? he's grown he knows how to get back here" she sucks her teeth and walks to the living room holding her coffee cup. 

"did you not hear me? he got into a fight, the principal wants to talk to me but i can't go so i told him you're gonna go" i groan and wipe my eyes "ugh fine, what school he goes to?" 

she frowns "don't you know?" i roll my eyes "mom i don't pay attention to little details, what high school is it?" she rolls her eyes "pay attention more, he goes to your old high school" i gasp "really!? Lexie too?" 

she nods and sits down on the couch turning on the T.V. i go back to my room. grabbing clothes to wear and brushing my teeth. "i'm off" i kiss her cheek and leave the house. "cuidao!" (careful) she yells. 


when i got to the high school i mentally groaned "stupid school" i mumble and close my car door. Locking it. I groan while looking around. The field still looks the same. They still haven't fixed the poles for the bikes, they still look rusty. i walk up the school steps to go to the front door. I caught girls looking at me.

I wink at them while going up the stairs. They lightly screamed. I open the school doors like if I owned the place.

Girls stopped to stare and some guys too. I ignore them and continue walking to the principal's office. They act like they never seen a person who wasn't a student walk in here before. 

"Stupid small hallways" I mumble. I see my old English teacher walking out her room with a box in her hand. She was my favorite teacher. I walk up to her.

"Mrs. Kaufman! What's up!" She looks up smiling. "Jason Rodriguez, it's good to see you" I give her a half hug.

"What are you doing here?" She asks while shifting the box to her other arm. "My little brother got into some trouble so I'm here to bail him out"

She chuckles "who's your brother?" "Josh Martinez, you probably have him he's a senior" she does an O shape with her mouth.

"Oh yeah I have Josh" she shakes her head in disappointment "he's nothing like you" i nod "yeah I'm one of a kind"

"What did he do?" She asks. I shrug "he got into a fight" she shakes her head again. "Well I wish you both luck, I have to go it was nice seeing you"

I smile back at her "you too miss K, don't do drugs stay in school" I call out while she walks away. She laughs "the same goes for you"

I chuckle and go back to walking to the office. I wonder if lexie's still here.


I open the principal's office humming to myself. "Hey Miss Jane" I say to the principals assistant.

She smiles brightly when she sees me. "Jason! What are you doing here?" I smile "Josh my brother, got into a fight so I'm here to be a parent"

She giggles covering her mouth while doing so. "Oh Jason...look at those tattoos!" She stands up and reaches to touch my arm.

I had a grey t shirt on so you can see my tattoo sleeves. "You only had one sleeve when you were here" I nod "I got some on my chest too, wanna see " I say  while winking.

She giggles "oh Jason that's me" I smirk and lift my shirt up flexing while she gasped. "Look at those abs"

Miss Jane always had a secret crush on me. She's in her 30's, she has short blonde hair up to her chin but it worked for her. She did have a killer body too.

I put my shirt back down quickly when someone opens the principal's office. It was Mr. Jones the principal.

"Jason lovely to see you, come in" he turns back to his office. I wink at miss Jane causing her to blush.

I follow Mr. Jones. I see Josh sitting on one of the chairs across from Jones desk and another kid sitting on the other chair.

There's a women here also, she's standing next to the other kid I'm assuming she's his mother.

I stand besides Josh. "What did you do?" I whisper to him. He shrugs "lexie" he mumbles and keeps his eyes on the window.

I raise my eyebrow in confusion. What did lexie do?

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