Chapter 72

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"you had fun?" i ask while we walk to my car. she nods "A lot of fun thank you" she holds my arm. i smile "you're welcome" After a few moments of us silently walking to my car Lexie speaks "so how long did you know that you loved me?" she was teasing, i could hear it in her voice. 

"when you stayed with me for spring break." she gasps "that long?! and you didn't bother telling me!" i shrug "it wasn't the right time. At least i didn't say it while we were having sex like you did!" she gasps "i did no such thing! i said it when we were already done" i laugh "you said it while we were kissing" she rolls her eyes "kissing is not sex" i chuckle and shove her shoulder pushing her away from me. 

she giggles and shoves me back. "hey hey no playing in the parking lot, there's cars around" i say while pointing my index finger at her in warning. she looks around "we're the only ones here you dodo" she shoves me again. i sigh "are we about to fight right now? cause i'm telling you right now....i will win"

she smirks "oh yeah, lets see you try" i nod "okay" i go to grab her but she starts to run away. she giggles while i run after her. she runs behind my car "you can't even catch me" she mocks. "watch me" i challenge. she gasps when she sees me running faster to get her. she screams when i grab her waist and throw her over my shoulder. i tickle her hip. she starts laughing "who won this fight? oh yeah, me" 

i stop tickling her and place her back on the ground. "that wasn't even a fight you were just chasing me around the parking lot." she puts her hands on her hips "i want a rematch, but instead of me running and you catching me. i want to wrestle" i raise my eyebrow "you want to wrestle?" she nods "yup and when we do, you will see who the real master is" 

i laugh "deal" i put my hand out for her to shake. she smirks. before i can take my hand out, she licks her hand and shakes mine with it. i gasp "gross!" she laughs "now the deal will never be broken" i wipe my palm over my jeans. "disgusting little girl. it's on." i grab her wrist and pull her too me. before she can stop me i grab her face and start licking her cheek. she yelps "Gross!" i continue licking her cheek and her nose. 

she tries to fight me off but my grip on her is too strong. she keeps moving her face away but i still somehow am able to lick her. she laughs. i stop licking her "now we're even" i tell her and unlock my car. she giggles while she uses her t-shirt to wipe her face. "disgusting" with my back to her i couldn't see her evil plan. she runs to me jumping on my back like a lion catching its prey.  

she licks my cheek. i laugh "gross" she giggles and gets off me. standing in front of me with her back to my car she says "now we're even" she smirks. i point my index finger "this. is. war" she chuckles. "you don't know what you just started Lexie Moretti" she scoffs "using my last name in a threat?" i shake my head "that wasn't a threat. it was me telling you i'm coming for you" 

she moans "oh you did come for me. you came for me in your mom's living room, in your bedroom, in your dorm room, in your job's bathroom. where else are you gonna come for me?" i gasp. i open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. did she really just say that?! 

"i'm speechless. how dare you use my innocent words and turn it into something dirty" she laughs. i put my hand over my chest pretending to feel violated. "i-i feel so exposed" she laughs and grabs my waist pulling me closer to her. 

"you are becoming more and more dirty and nasty and inappropriate....i love it" i tell her and kiss her lips. she moans in my mouth while i dominate her tongue. i pull away. "i do feel violated though" she laughs "shut up" she grabs the back of my head and puts my lips back on hers. we stayed there for what felt like hours just kissing until we heard fireworks go off in the amusement park. we both stopped kissing to look at it. 

"pretty" she mumbles. "i'm prettier" i said while looking at the fireworks. she chuckles wrapping her arms around my waist. she lays her head on my chest. "i don't want this feeling to ever go away" she says. i hug her back. "me too" 

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