Chapter 57

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"hello Jason it's nice to see you again" Carmen says with an evil grin on her face. Lexie looks at me and then Carmen. "Who are you?" Lexie asks giving Carmen a suspicious look. Carmen smirks at lexie and puts her hand out "i'm Carmen, Jason's ex..and you must be lexie" Lexie shakes her hand "i am" 

"Carmen what are you doing here?" i ask completely annoyed by her presence. she shrugs "i just came to see my friends and then i saw you and her. just thought i should introduce myself" i take my arm out from lexie's shoulder. "you are very pretty" Carmen says to lexie. Lexie with a serious face on says "thanks, you are as well." Carmen smirks "i see Jason doesn't have a type, he'll just go with anyone" 

"like you?" Lexie snaps back. Carmen scoffs "excuse me?" Lexie sighs "look, we have somewhere to be so unless you have something important to say to us i suggest you keep on walking to your friends" I look at lexie with my eyes wide open. completely shocked. Carmen smirks "alright, i didn't mean to upset anyone. it was nice meeting you lexie, i hope we cross paths again" Carmen glances up at me with an evil look in her eyes. she walks by us with a grin on her face. 

Lexie sighs in annoyance. "lets go" she says and starts walking away from me. i run after her "hey you okay?" she nods "completely fine, she's very pretty to bad her personality is not" i nod in agreement. "Anyway, show me your job first" 

we walk silently to my job. "what did you think about her?" i ask lexie. she takes a deep breath and lets it out in annoyance. "i thought she was very...interesting" "interesting?" i ask. she nods "yup, interesting" i lick my bottom lip. "what makes you say that?" she shrugs "I don't did you guys meet?" 

i groan "Shrimp i don't want to talk about my relationship to my girlfriend about my ex girlfriend" she shrugs "why not, you know about my ex boyfriend" i nod "yeah that's because he's my brother" she shrugs again "doesn't matter, you know the situation between me and Josh so i think i have a right to know about your situation with Carmen" 

i scoff "what is it with girls wanting to know about the past, babe it's in the past. it doesn't matter anymore" "well obviously it matters to her if she's making a big deal about you and me being together, telling you you'll hurt me. it's none of her business and you had no right telling her about me" Lexie stops walking and stares straight ahead avoiding eye contact with me. But she's pissed i can see it in her face, she has her arms crossed over her chest. i sigh in annoyance. i knew her meeting Carmen would be bad but i didn't think it would be this bad where it caused us to fight. 

"why are we fighting about Carmen? this is what she wants you know" i said. Lexie shrugs her shoulders "she hit a nerve okay? it's finally hit me that she was your first love or whatever and she had what i now have and it bothers me. she was with you for 3 years, those kind of emotions don't just go away. she obviously still has feelings for you" I sigh and grab her arm pulling her to me. she tries to pull away but my grip is stronger.                                                     

She sucks her teeth when she realizes she has no way of escaping. "look at me" i tell her. she continues looking at a tree behind me. i suck my teeth "look. at. me" i demand. Lexie rolls her eyes but looks at me with a straight face. "Carmen means nothing to me. i didn't love Carmen--" "you didn't love her, you don't love me" Lexie says annoyed. "i'm not in the mood anymore, i wanna go home" she says trying to pull away from me. "let me go Jason" 

i shake my head "no, i'm not done talking" she yanks her arm away from my grip and starts to walk away but i grab her wrist pulling her to me "i'm not fucking done talking" she opens her mouth in shocked. pulling her closer to me so there's no space i look into her eyes as i said 

"Carmen means nothing to me. i don't care about her, i don't care what she says, i don't care about her existence. you are my girl. i care about you, i care what you say. i care what you think. i care about your existence. Carmen is nothing, do you hear me Lexie? she can have all those emotions, she can care about me all she wants but i'm never ever going to do the same for her" 

i wrap my arms around her waist. "you're my girl, you're my lexie and if anyone tries to take you away from me there will be hell to pay. forget about Carmen. Cause every night i go to sleep, i think of you." i lean down so i can kiss her lips "i kiss your lips" i whisper. i put my hand on her butt squeezing it "i grab your ass" using my other hand i move her head to the side so i can kiss her neck. 

her breathing quickens. "my dick goes in you" i push my hips forward so she can feel my bulge. her eyelids close "you're mine Lexie, the same way i am yours" i pull away from her so i can look into her blue eyes "do you understand?"  she nods. i smirk "good, shall we go?" i start walking. i hear her footsteps running after me so she can be by my side. i smile when she locks her hands with mine. i think it's safe to say that i won this fight. 

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