Chapter 22

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Side note, I changed the book title to lexie, because it's not about her being Josh's girlfriend anymore cause they broke up and I think with the title being just her name I can make more things happen in the story and not just about her being Josh's girlfriend if that makes sense.
But anyway continue on.

i walk into the house slowly closing the doors. i hear laughter coming from the living room. i walk to it following the sound to see my parents and Josh on the couch talking. "hey" i say while sitting on the love chair. 

"oh look who finally decided to show up" Ma says with a little attitude. i put my hand up in surrender "i'm sorry, i tried to make it here early but i got caught up" "with who? you don't have a girlfriend" Josh said. 

i roll my eyes "neither do you" he glares at me i glare back. pa chuckles "you were busy that's it, there's some tacos there for you" i stand up walking towards the kitchen. "your dad was talking about when you used to walk around in your pampers and complain about it so you would take it off and walk around butt naked instead" Josh says while laughing. 

i grab the tacos from on top of the stove giving them my back as i said. "you see, i always liked having my willy free" they laugh. i turn back around walking back to the Lounge chair holding the plate with my tacos. I thought i wasn't able to eat to much tacos since i ate with the girls. But Lexie kinda drained my energy. 

" serious about being with him mom?" i ask her with a serious tone. everyone stopped smiling and looked at me. i kept my eyes on her's. the last times she was with him he broke her heart and she wasn't able to function well. 

Ma nodded smiling. "yes Hijo, i really want to be with him...he makes me happy now" i shrug and look at Axel "and you promise not to break her heart?" he makes a cross with his finger over his chest "cross my heart" 

i take a deep breath and let it out. i look at Josh he shrugs. i look back at ma. "fine you have my blessing" she smiles happily clapping her hands together.

i point my index finger at Axel. "i'm grown now, i'm taller than you, i'm stronger than you, if you break her heart, if you make her shed one tear i will fight you and i will win.

Ma was there for me when you was too busy shacking up with Katy and i was there for her when you broke her in half. you do that shit again and it's over for me and you" "Jason! don't talk to your papi like that!" Ma yells but he put his hand on her thigh and she calms down. 

"i understand Hijo, and i will never do anything to hurt your mother Physically or mentally." Josh let out a breath obviously feeling awkward. i nod "then we cool, welcome back to the family" He chuckles "thanks Hijo" 

Josh stands up "now that that's over with how bout we play some board games" "ooh how about Uno, No he jugado ese juego en mucho tiempo" (i haven't played that game in a long time) Ma says in excitement. 

Josh claps "let's play it" i stand up "i'll get it, it's in my room" i put my plate on the coffee table walking slowly to my room while they started up a new conversation. My phone buzzes in my pocket. 

i pull it out while entering my room. its a text from Lexie. 

'i can't stop thinking about you ' i smile and grab the uno cards from my desk.

 'can't stop thinking about me in general or what happened in the car? 

i sit on the edge of my bed patiently waiting for her to text back. my phone buzzes again. 

'both '

 i smirk. 'tomorrow lets go to the movies 

' to see what?

' idk yet, we pick the movie when we get there

' fine... can you call me later? ' 

i think about it, falling asleep while talking to her? sounds like a good deal for me. 

' sure shrimp, i'm gonna play uno with the fam but when i'm done i'll call u' 

'okay 😊' 

i stand up smiling while i leave the room. "got the cards!" i call out and throw it at Josh who catches it. "what took you so long were you itching your balls or something?" i roll my eyes at him while ma slaps him on his face. 

"ow!" he says and holds his cheek "don't talk like that!" Josh pouts his lips "sorry ma" he mumbles. Pa laughs "let's get this game started!" he yells.


i throw myself on the bed landing on my stomach. My phone buzzes, i groan and take it out my pocket. it was a text from Lexie. i quickly sat up. ' you finished yet? ' it said. i chuckle, this girl is so eager to talk to me. 

before i call her i take off my clothes laying down only in my boxers. i put my head on the pillow and call her. she picks up on the 1st ring. "hey " she says excitedly. "hi" i smile.

"can we facetime?"  i smile "yeah let me see your beautiful face" she chuckles and calls me on facetime. i answer. she smiles when she sees me. "hi Jason " "hi shrimp" i smile. "how was the tacos? 

i sigh "good, i only ate two though the cheeseburger filled me up" she sits up on her bed. her back resting on her bed frame. i was on my side on my pillow. ''you look beautiful'' she blushes covering her face. ''thank you " 

we talk for a while. she tells me about her baby sister, how annoying she is. she's only 4 but her parents treat her like if she was 2 and i tell her some stories from when i was younger. 

"nobody can hear me right? " she whispers. i shake my head biting my bottom lip. she licks hers and sighs. " i have to tell you something " i sit up realizing this conversation is going to get serious. 

"what is it?" she takes a deep breath "i want that again"  i look at her confused. "do what again?" 

she glares at me "what happened in the car! i want to do it again" i open my mouth to say something but she cuts me off. 

"i couldn't stop thinking about it, it was my 1st time feeling like that. it felt so good rubbing myself on you and i know its bad cause i want to save myself for marriage i made a vow but after feeling like that... i don't think i can"  

i smirk "hermosa if you want to do it again we can, there's other ways to do it without breaking your vow" she shifts on her bed again. "what do you mean? " i sigh "well...i can make you feel good in 2 different ways without you losing your v card" 

she puts her finger on her chin. "i would ask for details but i don't want to know...i kinda wanna be surprised " i chuckle "sure sure" "would it hurt? the two ways? " i pucker my lips looking away from the phone not really knowing what to tell her. 

" i got to be honest, I've never been with a virgin so i don't really know but i think you would just feel uncomfortable at first cause nothing ever been up there but i have no clue" she chuckles "i guess we'll find out tomorrow 

i laugh "tomorrow huh?" she nods laughing. "shh your laugh is loud" i whisper she immediately covers her mouth. "sorry" she whispers. "are you not tired?" she shakes her head "not really, why? are you? "i nod and lay back on my pillow. 

"we can talk tomorrow, i mean i'm seeing you tomorrow so" i shake my head "no sleep with me" she chuckles softly and lays down also. "that sounds wrong "

i roll my eyes "shut up and go to sleep" she adjusts her phone leaning it on her lamp that way i can see her without her holding the phone.

"i wake up at 6 for school so when you wake up don't panic that I'm not there I just hung up" i nod. my eyes starting to close. "goodnight shrimp" "goodnight Jason 

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