Chapter 62

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"Jason where are we going?" Lexie whines while trying to block the branches from hitting her. we were in the woods. i'm bringing Lexie to a lake with a waterfall that i found one day when i was drunk. i thought i had imagined it but i didn't. 

"we're almost there" i tell Lexie from behind me. she kept grunting and huffing ever since we started walking in the woods. "God i hate bugs!" she yells. "they keep getting in my face and i feel like something's crawling on my leg" i can hear her slapping her thighs which makes me laugh.   

"it's not funny you jerk, i hate going into the woods. why do you think i don't camp" i can't see her face but i know she's rolling her eyes in frustration. "i didn't know you didn't like camping" i said. "yeah well now you do congratulations you learn something new everyday" i shake my head trying to hold in my laugh at Lexie's pain. "Attitude much" i mumble. "i heard that!" 

i chuckle. "we're here" i stop walking, standing near the lake. Lexie gasps "it's so pretty" i nod "wasn't it worth having the bugs in your face?" she scoffs "No!" i laugh. she grabs her phone and starts taking pictures of the waterfall. "how did you find this place?" she asks.          

i shrug "ask the drunk me, cause the sober me would have never went into the woods" she chuckles. i sit on a big rock while facing the water. "i like to come here whenever i feel stressed from work or school...i came here a lot when me and Carmen broke up" Lexie sits down next to me. "At night you can see the stars and when the moon shines over the water it looks beautiful" 

Lexie sighs "sounds beautiful." i nod "it we just gotta wait for night so you can see it in person" Lexie gasps "i am not staying in the woods till dark! are you crazy!" I chuckle "what's the matter? Scared of the dark?" "NO! i'm scared of what happens in the woods at night time. A monster could be out there or a killer trying to find his next victim!" i roll my eyes playfully while shaking my head.              

"i've been here at night tons of times and not once did i see a monster or a killer" She scoffs "that's cause you're a tall buff looking guy. i am a short girl with bright blonde hair, killers will notice me!" i put my arm over her shoulders "i will protect you...come on, i really want you to see the way the moon shines on the water and how bright the stars get" she groans "fine, but if i hear a stick break or anything move behind us i will use you as a shield" i smile "oh you're so sweet thinking i wouldn't use you as bait for me to get away"   

she gasps and slaps my chest. i laugh "i'm kidding!" she chuckles. we sit there for a while in complete silence with only the water falling as a sound. "so, if your mom and dad are engaged right now...does that mean they are gonna have a wedding?" Lexie asks. i sigh "probably...wanna be my plus one?"    

she puts her finger on her chin as if thinking about it "um, i don't think so. i think i'm busy that day" I laugh "they don't even have a date yet" she laughs with me. we stare at the waterfall, admiring the way the water goes down. "Lexie, where do you see yourself in a few years?" i ask and turn my head to see her face. "um....i see myself leaving" "leaving?" she nods "yeah, i see myself in Paris, Hawaii, Fiji, L.A, Vegas...china, i see myself living in a big house. Getting a couple of dogs...maybe a bird"   

i half smile while i listen to her. "what about job wise?" i ask. she shrugs "i don't know really, i'm not really passionate about anything. i used to really be into writing, i mean i still write i just...don't really think it's gonna get me anywhere" i nod "maybe it is, you just have to try. don't give it up yet" she nods "no i know. I just want to be able to travel so i think i'm just gonna stay here for a while, get a job, save up and then be able to pack up and leave"

"what about us? am I in your future?" i ask taking my arm out from her shoulders. she smiles "i should be asking you that...i like to think that we are gonna make it, that me and you are gonna be forever. get married, travel together, live in a house, have kids...But those are just dreams, imaginations. we can't really predict our future. we just take guesses" i nod. i understand what shes saying. But it kinda hurts me knowing how little faith she has in us being together. 

she looks up at me "what about you? where do you see yourself in a few years?" i sigh "being CEO of my own company. Becoming a billionaire. Putting Ray Knight to shame" She laughs "in your dreams" i laugh "yes it is my dream" she smiles "And us? do you see us being together still"   

i look at the waterfall thinking about it. "i do actually, i see me and you being happily married with 3 little rugrats running around" she laughs "3?" i nod "yeah, 2 boys and one girl, the girl has to be the youngest that way she has her older brothers to look after her."Lexie smiles "what will be their names?"                         

i put my arm back around her shoulders pulling her closer to me. "well, the oldest his name will be Flynn, it sounds like a strong name. the second boy will be Elijah after my imaginary friend when i was little" She laughs "you had an imaginary friend named Elijah?" i nod "yeah didn't you?" She giggles "no" i suck my teeth "you're missing out girl, me and Elijah did crazy things when we were kids"   

she chuckles "What about our daughter?" i smile "i'll let you name her" she smiles "i like Anastasia. i always said if i had a daughter that will be her name" i smile "Anastasia...i like that" she nods smiling. "what do you think Josh will be doing in the future?" She asks. I shake my head "i'm 100 percent sure, he's gonna become a crackhead" We both start laughing. 

i like having these little talks with Lexie, it's nice thinking about a world where Lexie is my wife. i think i'm falling in love with this girl. And that kinda scares me, but it also proves to me that i am capable of love. And i can't wait to shove it in Carmen's face when i prove how wrong she was.  

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