Challenge - [Chapter Twelve]

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The tension had been building up all night; everyone could see it, I just refused to believe that there was actual tension between Luke and I. Luke of all people. I for one hated him and luckily, the feeling is mutual. He thought he was some sort of God with his lip piercing and soft blond hair and angelic voice and that's not the point, he thought he was some hot shot when in reality, he isn't. I couldn't stand him.


The club was packed with people and the minute I stepped into the stuffy, sweaty club I wanted out. All the boys went their separate ways and as per usual, I was alone. I could spot Cal and Ash getting a drink, Mikey was chatting up some girl in a tight black dress and Luke was surrounded by 4 or 5 girls in dresses that left nothing to the imagination, typical Luke.

I scoff and turn towards the bar, determined to have some fun tonight. I am not going to let Luke or one of his multiple girls to ruin my night. If I have to be here I am going to make the most of it.

"Give me a shot." I say to the bartender and he nods, slamming a shot glass in front of me. The alcohol burns my throat and I shake off the sensation, signaling the bartender to pour me another shot. He refills the glass and I down it in a distant, already feeling slightly tipsy. I was a lightweight, a couple of shots or a drink or two and I would be drunk.

I grab a beer and hop off the tiny bar stool, looking around the crowded club. I find it funny how you can have the time of your life with complete strangers and then forget their name in less than two hours. The power of alcohol. People were laughing and giggling basically having fun in general.

I manage to spot Luke in the crowd of sweaty people. He was laughing with some brunette in a tube top and mini skirt. Knowing him he would either kiss her and then forget about her or just forget about her right then and there and then move on to his next prey. I pity the girls that got involved with Luke Hemmings.

I spot Ash talking to Calum about who knows what and find myself making my way over to my favorite drummer and bassist.

"Having fun Y/N?" Ash asks, eyeing my beer.

"Eh. Too many people. I just want to leave to be honest."

"Why don't you dance with someone?"

"I don't want to dance with some random stranger."

"That doesn't have to be the case." Ashton smirks, winking at Calum.

"You wanna dance, Y/N?"

"Why not, Cal. Let's go." I smile, leading Cal towards the dance floor.

He places his hands on my hips and positions me so that we were centimetres apart. We sway along to the music and manage to have a conversation. It wasn't exactly boring but there wasn't that exciting spark I normally felt. Calum and I were friends which is probably why my hormones weren't flying all over the place, there wasn't anything special between Cal and I.

Luke was staring and Calum and I, his eyes narrowed into tiny slits. What's his problem? I am definitely not his property and I don't see why he would have a problem with Calum dancing with me.

"Mind if I steal Y/N away for a few minutes?" Luke says, interrupting whatever the hell we were talking about.

"Uh sure dude, she's all yours." Calum backs off, seeming rather nervous as he slinks back to Ashton.

"What was that?" Luke deadpans, standing motionless in the middle of the dance floor.

"What was what? Calum and I dancing?"

"Why was Calum with you?" I honestly don't see why he cares. Most days he wouldn't even give me a second glance and now he decides to pay attention me?

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