He hates your boyfriend - [Chapter Four]

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"Y/N! baby help me" You heard your boyfriend whine from the kitchen, you giggled and looked at your bestfriend Luke who you were helping study for his final. "I'll be right there baby" You hollered back and turned to Luke who was struggling to remember history dates. "I'll be right back okay?" You looked at him and smiled softly, he was your bestfriend for as long as you could rememember and he was smart in everything except history which was your best subject, so you didn't mind helping him at all. "Yeah yeah whatever" you heard Luke mumble. You never understood why Luke didn't talk much when your boyfriend Jake was over, but you shrugged and went into the kitchen to find a mess.

"What the hell happened? You turn the blender on without a lid on it?" You giggled looking at your messy boyfriend. "It just happened so fast, I can't feel my legs" All of a sudden you felt a ton of weight land on you and the next thing you knew you were holding up your messy dirty boyfriend, you couldn't help but laugh. He was such a dork. Soon enough you found yourself having a flour fight with him, and totally forgot about Luke in the other room.

"Ahem" You heard and turned around quickly to see Luke standing there holding his bag. "I'm going to go, I can't study here." Instantly you felt bad, and walked over to him trying to grab his bag "No Lukey it's okay i'll come back and help you" You urged you really wanted him to pass his finals. "Babe just let him go, he's not gonna pass anyways right loser?" You turned to see your boyfriend smirking while eating something off a spoon, you couldn't believe Jake would say something like that.

"Yeah thanks , why don't you just go shove that spoon up your ass" Luke retorted back and turned on his heels. "Luke wait!" you hollered after him and threw a towel at your boyfriend and ran after him and grabbed his hand.

"Hey stop, what's going on.. tell me" You whispered looking at how distraught he was. "He's such an ass y/n, like honestly what the hell do you see in that guy? He's disgusting! He's a pig, he's just using you because you're so God damn beautiful and he needs to feel good about himself. When there is no use, because there is NOTHING good about him!" You stared at Luke in confusion.

"He's not a pig Luke and he's not using me, he's the first guy to actually look at me and show passion and love an-" You were instantly cut off "That's bullcrap y/n. CAN YOU NOT SEE THE WAY I LOOK AT YOU ALL THE GOD DAMN TIME?" Luke huffed and ran his hand through his blonde hair. "I am in love with you, and you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and you can't see that your bestfriend is in love with you!" He looked at you sadly and rocked back and forth on his heels. " I love you Y/N, and I can't stand seeing you with him."You looked at him completely in shock. "Luk-" He cut you off by grabbing you roughly but sweetly pulling you down onto the step and kissing you having his hand tangled in your hair holding onto your head while he kissed you. You pulled away slowly looking at him. "Luke how-" You couldn't even finish your sentence, Luke was already down and getting into his car leaving the kiss lingering on your lips.

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