[imagine for nina]

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Luke: He always knew you were sad but he thought you had stopped. You thought you had too, but the thoughts came back. you don't know why but you just get hit with this tidal wave of sadness and the urge just overcame you. You ran to the bathroom and locked the door. you opened the drawer and dug out your blade. one...two....three, you drug the blade through your skin you moved from your arm to your thigh and began cutting there. You were so consumed with what you were doing you didn't here Luke come in.
"Babe?" he yelled looking around.
he came up the stairs but you couldn't hear him through your loud sobs. he stood outside the door and knocked.
"Nina are you ok? open the door!" you continued to sob as you dragged yourself further away from the door. you curled up in a ball and continued to cry. You heard a loud bang on the door and then a crack. the next thing you know you have Luke's arms wrapped around you and he's holding you in his arms kissing your head moving your hair back. you're crying hysterically as he just holds you and rubs your back. after while he picks you up and puts you on the counter. he grabs some band aids and a wash cloth. he wets the wash cloth and begins cleaning the cuts along your upper thighs. you finally look up to see that Luke had been crying as well. his face was red and he had tears still streaming down his face. he sniffed as he continued to clean your cuts. he looked at you and you looked away. you couldn't look him in the eye. after he finished putting the band aids on he picked the blade up from the floor.
"Why?" he asked looking hurt. you just shrugged and looked away. Luke brought the blade up to his own wrist and cut a line through the middle of his perfect wrist and you heard him hiss you looked up horrified.
"LUKE WHAT THE HELL?!" You yelled hopping off the counter and went towards him. he took the blade and flushed it down the toilet.you grabbed the towel and wrapped it around his wrist holding it there. you looked up at him with tears in your eyes, waiting for an explanation. he looked you in the eyes and whispered,
"now you know how i feel, every time do this to yourself it hurts me, you shouldn't do this to yourself. You're perfect and you don't deserve this. I love you."
you were both in tears as you wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face into his chest.
"I love you Luke,"you whispered.
You felt him kiss your head and you grabbed his hand and led him to the sink. you cleaned his cut, the same he had done for you. you put the band aid on and kissed his wrist. He picked you up bridal style and layed you down on the bed. you wrapped your arms around each other and before you drifted off to sleep you heard him whisper,
"please don't do this anymore Nina." you sniffed and thought about it you knew it would be hard, you've tried stopping before, but for Luke's sake you would try/
"I promise."
he held out his pinky and you took it and pinky swore. You smiled at how cute he was and drifted off to sleep in his arms.

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