He helps you with a panic attack - [Chapter Seventeen]

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You were easy, carefree and didn't really mind school. You could see your boyfriend who by the way
was the hottest guy in your senior class, blonde hair, blue eyes, tall and handsome the overall package and
he was yours. You can see your friends, and you had pretty much a decent well rounded grade average.
However it was senior year and you really needed to buckle down and get your things done before finals
roll around. You were so busy the past couple of days working on late assignments, papers, and even
projects. That you completely forgot about a presentation that was due next class.. that started in 15 minutes! You had nothing prepared, nothing to show the class, nothing to even read off of to pretend like you
knew what you were talking about. Nothing! That's when you felt big strong arms wrap around you and suddenly your heart rate slowed down slightly. You looked up to meet those beautiful blue eyes that you constantly fall in love with over and over. "Luke" You whisper in relief. "Hey babe, what's wrong?" He chuckled looking at your panicked expression, but suddenly he realized that you were having an actual panic attack. He looked at you and turned you around and brushed some hair out of your face. "Baby breathe and tell me what's wrong" He said soothingly while rubbing your arms.
"Presentation...due.. next... period..." you said in between panicked breaths. He nodded "Alright, so what's it on do you know?" He questioned slowly, you nodded no. "I have no idea, I don't even know what it's on. How could I forget a fucking presentation babe!" You said in one breath. He nodded no and calmed you down again slowly "Babe, stop and breathe" He sat you down and tucked your hair behind your ear. "You're so good at winging things, you ace all your speeches, you're great at making people laugh. You ask the teacher what the topics on and you wing it" He offered sympthetically. You shrugged, he always had this way about him. He could always calm you down, maybe it was his voice or maybe it was his eyes. Have you mentioned those eyes before? You could feel your heart rate going back to normal. You couldn't help but smile at him, you were so lucky to have him in your life. "Luke that's probably the worst idea i've ever heard" you said with a giggle.
He smiled and shrugged "What can I say, I'm just full of great surprises" He kissed your head. You both jumped as the bell rung, which meant that your presentation was next period, but all you did was look at him. "I love you, you'll do great you always do" He smiled at you as he kissed you holding onto your neck pulling you in closer. "And don't you forget it" he whispered on your lips. You smiled, and aced the shit out of your presentation.

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