Your baby boy - [Chapter Twenty Five]

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Luke - After your baby boy Anderson was born, Luke would do anything to prove he would be the best father ever. He would bring home diapers and bottles without being asked, and always keep track on food. He would dream about taking him to his first baseball game and buying him his first guitar. "I'll catch a ball for him and hand it to him, and he's gonna hug me and keep saying thank you" he says. "Then i'm gonna take him to buy pretzels, and were gonna make up a pretzel song so every time we buy one we'll sing it."   he goes on and on all day. Though you couldn't blame him, it was his first child. You both had big dreams for him. "What if he doesn't like baseball" you tease him. He laughs, "Then I'll do what ever he does. Even if it bores me to death." he smirks. "If that right, what if its something like ballet?" you say. "Doesn't matter, i'll be his biggest fan no matter what" he replied proudly.

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