[imagine for Kenley]

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To say that winter had been long would have been a massive understatement. As each day the sun became an even rarer occasion in London, your hormones seemed to be getting increasingly messy as well. Just like every other day since your two week break for Christmas began, you pulled yourself from bed before heading into the shower to jolt yourself awake. As the hot water spilled down your back you instinctively reached for your favorite body wash, before noticing Luke’s bottle right next to yours. For a few moments you stared at it, remembering all of wonderful times associated with the distinct smell of his skin after a hot shower with the familiar wash. Before fully thinking through your actions, you picked it up and poured the blue gel into your hands, rubbing it all over your pale legs and arms. It was December after all, and your skin seemed to closely resemble the snow blanketing the brick street outside your flat.
Once stepping out of the shower and slipping into a plush towel, you texted Luke to see what he was up to at the moment. He quickly responded that he got a long lunch in about an hour so he could talk more then. The short text immediately brought a smile to your face. You texted back that you would head to the coffee shop and Skype him from there, as your stomach gargled for a fresh croissant and piping hot coffee. He sent a smiley face back before saying he had to go for a few minutes for a quick interview before his break. You immediately sauntered over to your stereo, turning it on and blasting an old mix tape Luke had given you for your birthday. You turned it up when your favorite song “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” by Green Day came on. While the song played in the background, you carefully picked out the perfect outfit for your Skype date: a pair of ripped, light wash skinny jeans paired with a low-cut black buttoned tee-shirt and a beanie that featured an adorable knit penguin on the front.
As you splattered on a thin line of eyeliner and slid on your favorite lipstick, you pictured what Luke’s face would look like when you began the chat today. You hadn’t skyped in about a week, a rather long break for the two of you. You knew immediately, that both of you would sport the grandest smiles once the video chat began. You still talked every night, no matter what the time, and were constantly texting… but there was something different about seeing each other’s faces. It was about as real of a connection we could get when thousands of miles away. Once your makeup was all finished, you grabbed your peacoat and laptop bag before heading out the door.
The streets of London were bustling with life as husbands and wives headed out to do some last minute Christmas shopping together. Your favorite coffee shop, luckily, was only two blocks from the tiny flat you and Luke shared whenever he was in London. Upon walking into the shop, Paul, the typical barista asked if you wanted the usual. You responded with a simple nod and smile, as you headed towards the counter. “Actually, make it a double espresso today. I need some more energy. I’ve got an important video chat in a few minutes…” you said while pulling out your wallet, slipping a five pound note and two coins across the counter, while Paul handed you your cappuccino and small croissant. You thanked him before heading to your usual seat in the corner by the window.
Once you plugged in your MacBook and connected to the internet, you opened Skype, immediately smiling once seeing the little green dot next to Luke’s name, signifying he was online too. You immediately pressed the call button and then sat back, waiting as two laptops halfway across the world from each other, connected. Thank god for technology though, because it only took a few seconds before his bright face lit up your screen.
“Kenley!” he yelled, brilliantly showcasing his dimples, “Well don’t you look ravishing in that hat.”
“Oh don’t do that…” you giggled looking down at your hands.
“Do what babe?” he asked, biting down on his lip ring again.
“Don’t bite on your lip. Seriously like every time you bite on your lip, this distance becomes so unbearable!” You laughed trying to get the hint across that you couldn’t handle Luke turning you on considering he was currently thousands of miles away.
“Well fine then you shouldn’t wear low cut shirts and position your camera so that your boobs are right in the middle of the screen!” he jokingly said.
“You do have really nice boobs,” you heard Calum’s voice mutter in the background.
“Thanks, Cal,” you laughed, “But hey they’re nothing compared to your fabulous ass let’s be honest.”
Luke playfully rolled his eyes before letting out a small snicker, “Should I like leave you two alone or something…?’
“No, Luke you’re still the hottest member of the band by far, I just didn’t want Cal to feel left out considering his girlfriend is here in London too. I can’t imagine it’s easy for you either of you guys to go six months without any physical contact from girls,” you laughed.
“And why would you say that?” Luke asked, pushing his eyebrows upward in suspicious motion.
“Well, I mean it isn’t exactly easy for Poppy and I to go those six months without being able to be touched by you either. Imagine us going to a club and wearing super short dresses and getting wasted but then not getting to go home and drunkenly make out with our boyfriends. It sucks. I’m sure Poppy would say the same thing if you asked her Cal,” you said noticing he looked rather sad today as he sat behind Luke, "She talks about how much she misses you like every day.”
“Really? Maybe I’ll go call her now,” he said before meandering off the screen.
“Thank god he’s gone because now I can tell you how much I miss you without having him make fun of me for the rest of the day,” he smirked, “You know last night, I actually pulled out your perfume and sprayed my pillow a bit with it just because I miss how you smell so godamn much. I didn’t think that was going to be something I struggled with, but I guess if you get used to a certain sweet smell in bed every night; it’s harder to fall asleep without it.” He blushed as if he should be ashamed with the fact.
“Are you kidding me? I totally get it, trust me. This morning I splattered your body wash all over my body even though my vanilla stuff was full right next to it. So now I smell like a man, but it’s okay because I smell like my man and that makes my smiles even brighter.” I flashed him a cheeky grin before taking sip of the coffee that I had been neglecting since the start of the call.
“Well don’t worry because in only like a month I’ll be home and you can smell me all you want,” he whispered causing a slight blush to slip across his cheeks.
“I will probably do some other things to you too… but yeah don’t worry smelling will be one of them,” you winked before giggling fully knowing that your cheekiness was getting to him.
“So let me get this straight,” he said, running his hand through his hair, “I can’t bite my lip but you can talk to me like a sexual object who smells nice? This game isn’t fair.” He looked down laughing. His slight grin somehow struck your emotions and began tugging at your heart.
“Oh Lord, how I miss you right now. All I want to do is spend Christmas morning covering you with kisses and making you pancakes. Luke I don’t know how I’m going to make it through the holidays without having you here with me.” A small tear slipped down your cheek, “I’m sorry. I’ve been like this the past few weeks. I really just want to spend Christmas with family, but they’re all back home and I’m here in London. You’re god knows where and I’m just stuck here alone in this cold weather while sleeping alone at night. Even Poppy is going to her family’s home in Manchester over the weekend, but come Saturday, I’m going to be all alone. I’m sorry for like dumping all this on you. I just miss everyone so much,” you huffed out, half with annoyance and half with sadness.
“Babe, look I promise Christmas will be better than you think. I’m so sorry our original schedule changed, it’s just so unpredictable that way. But hey, look, everything will be okay, I promise. And sunshine, you should never feel bad about ranting to me. We’re in this together. I really just want to be home with you sleeping all day and running my hands through your hair before we head over to your mum’s for Christmas dinner. Things are just going to be different this year. But hey, we will be okay, you know that, because we always are. We’re Luke and Kenley. I love you so much and that’s all that matters.”
You smiled and ran your hands through your tangled hair, “Thanks, Luke. I love you too. Don’t ever forget that okay?”
“Of course not, babe.” He whispered before kissing his index and middle finger and pressing it to the screen as if to send me a kiss. I followed suit before he chimed back in, “Well I’ve got to go, darling but I will call you tonight alright?”
I nodded before logging off. I couldn’t tell if I was the luckiest girl in the entire world to have him, or the most unlucky to have the boy of my dreams who just happened to be resting halfway across the world. You presumed you were both, and packed up your bag before heading home to your flat once again jealous off all of the couples walking hand in hand through the city. One day, you thought, that would be you. Today just wasn’t that day.

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