She tries food

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When you got back to the living room with the bowl of freshly popped popcorn Arcee smelled the popcorn and looked at it. After she popped the movie in and pressed play she joined you on the couch.

"Arcee, while you're in your holoform, can you eat food?" You asked her curiously.

"Yes, I can." Arcee said as you offered her the popcorn.

Once she took a piece of popcorn and popped it into her mouth she ate it and smiled, she had never tasted something so tasty and buttery. She then took a small handful and ate it.

"Do you like it?" You asked her, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, it tastes amazing." Arcee said as she ate some more popcorn.

All through out the movie you and Arcee ate the popcorn. You were definitely thankful that you popped more than one bag.

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