She gets turned into a sparkling

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Today when you got to the Autobot base you saw a relic near one of the consoles. When Smokescreen saw it he pushed a button and a beam of light shot out and hit Arcee who just so happened to be passing by. After a few minutes you saw that Arcee seemed to have shrunk. When she looked at Smokescreen she transformed one of her servos into a blaster and shot at Smokescreen.

"Smokescreen!" Ratchet yelled as he hit Smokescreen with a wrench.

When Smokescreen was gone Arcee burst into tears. Jack tried to calm her down but she only cried harder. Ratchet tried to calm her down to but then she started sobbing. But when you picked her up she slowly calmed down and fell asleep in your arms.

"How?!" Jack asked you quietly, still shocked that you got Arcee to calm down.

"I don't know." You whispered as you held Arcee, who was now the size of a human baby.

"She needs to be awake for me to turn her back to normal." Ratchet said as quietly as possible.

"She looks so happy though." You said as you looked at Arcee, who was still asleep.

"Fine, but bring her back here as soon as she wakes up." Ratchet told you.

"I will." You said as you took Arcee to the human area.

"Hey Y/n, whatcha got?" Miko asked you curiously.

"Shhh! It's Arcee and she's sleeping." You said as you got Miko to quiet down a little.

"Awww! She's so cute!" Miko said as she took a picture of you holding Arcee.

You sat down on the couch and Miko and Jack sat down next to you. Jack told you about some of the things that he and Arcee had been through together. Soon enough however Arcee woke up and you had to take her to Ratchet. On the way there she made some clicking and chirping sounds as she gripped your shirt and looked at you. Once Arcee was back to normal you told her about everything that had happened.

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