First fight

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When Arcee and Bumblebee were getting sent out on a mission you saw Miko sneak through the groundbridge. You decided to follow her to make sure that she didn't get hurt. When you came out of the other side of the groundbridge you saw that there was a raging battle going on. You also saw an Eradicon sneaking up on Arcee with a chain.

"Arcee! Watch out behind you!" You screamed.

Arcee whipped around and shot the Eradicon with her blaster. Then she ran over to you. You were a little afraid because of the look on her faceplates.

"What were you thinking?! You know that it wasn't a good idea to follow me!" Arcee yelled at you.

"I was just following Miko because I wanted to keep an eye on her! And I just saved you!" You yelled at her.

"That's not the point! You should have never come through the groundbridge! Miko is foolish, I expected you to know better! I guess I was wrong" She then yelled angrily.

"Well I'm sorry that I just saved your life! Next time I'll just let you get killed!" You yelled before you ran off to go find somewhere to hide.

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