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so hey guys. imma tell you a story and y'all need to read this bc i said so.

onece upon a time when a girl named ysovel travelled to manila to watch the 1d concert with her 9-yr old sister, she stayed there for a month. she went back home with her sister of course and was so close to getting home when...

when she actually missed her bus stop bc she fell asleep and was so goddamn stupid but luckily she knew tha place where she was, took her almost 45 mins before she actually got home and so here she is back home in bicol, updating for all of you bc besides it's happy earth day, it's also #INTERNETBESTFRIENDDAY so i hope y'all like this chapter hihi :*


The date went nicely than I expected. Well it wasn't a date more like a friendly one but it made my heart swell when I saw Jane's eyes glisten with happiness when I gave her my gift.

Today I decided that we can probably go downtown and go to some cool shops or something like that because knowing me and Jane, we were always bored as hell.

I changed into a red and black flannel, paired with my black skinny jeans and also a pair of my favorite vans.

I went over my bedside table and took my penguin necklace. I then got my keys and headed out the door


I texted Jane, saying that I was on my way. Once I reached her apartment, I honked my car horn and she came out running.

It seemed like it was in slow motion, her hair flowing with the wind, with her lips curved up in a smile and it just made me my stomach flutter.

She opened her car door and she smiled widely. "Hey, where are we going?" she asked.

"Downtown, probably just go around the shops." she nodded and starred out the window.


We arrived downtown and found the perfect parking space and I jogged my way to open her door.

Then I heard her giggle. She held on my hand and continued to giggle.

"What is happening with you? Did you spray laughing gas at yourself?" I joked but she shook her head.

"It's just that we have the same clothes on." and I started at both our outfit.

"You did this on purpose, didn't you?!" I laughed.

"No, didnt." she closed the car door and I held on her hand, intertwining our fingers.

Jane pulled me to the  nearby playground and begged me to push her up the swing. 

"Please Luke! Please, please, please. I wanna go and ride the swings!" she begged like a little girl and laughed at her childishness.

"Okay, okay." she instantly grabbed my arm and led me towards the swing set.

And so I just started pushing her, higher, higher and more higher and she was screaming like crazy.

The few old couples around us looked at us weirdly but I didn't mind it at all because it made me feel alive to be with her and her screams and laughter was like music to my ears.

And unexpectedly she jumped off the swing and almost landed on her face. I quickly helped her get up.

"Are you hurt? Did you bruise yourself? Tell me Jane, are you okay? Oh goodness, this is all my fault. I shouldn't have pushed you that high. Please forgive, I'm really so so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. Please Ja--".

"Be quiet Luke!" she held her forefinger to my lips to shush me up.

"You're so cute, stop it!" she pinched my cheeks. "Don't be so silly. I didn't hurt myself, I'm glad that I did wear jeans though." I held my hands for her and she gladly took it.

"Where should we go now?" I ask her.

"Can we just walk around?" 


We walked through the shops and we both decided to stop buy a gift shop because Jane saw this cute panda bear that she liked.

 Jane was jumping around when we entered the shop and she quickly grabbed the bear but then something stopped her. There was another person who grabbed the bear.

And Jane just dropped her hand when she saw who the other person was.


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