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so gonna be straight forward, this chapter has smut lol.

bc why not? if you don't like those things blam nikki a.k.a. @NicoleDirectioner it was her idea.

anyway don't worry i'm gonna warn you if it's close to happening.

and don't judge if it sucks, i'm not good at this.


i am definitely terrified when u guys read this bc i suck at it lol, i did my best so bear with me.



We arrived at Ashton's house and it was already packed, the yard was filled with wasted teenagers, either puking, grinding on each other or just asleep.

Bottles of alcohol were everywhere, red cups were being passed around and the blasting music could be heard from miles away.

I opened the door for Jane and she instantly gave me a scrunched up face. I knew it wasn't her scene.

"Just stay close, okay? I'm going to find Ashton, just scream if some weirdo comes up to you and you need to tell them we're together. Most people here are friends with Alexa." and she just nodded. Now I have to find Ashton.

jane (finally!)

The house was big and packed with high and wasted teenagers. Somebody just handed me a red cup and I didn't hesitate to drink it. It wasn't the best but I'd say I liked it a little. Luke was looking for his friend Ashton and so I just wondered around the living room with a cup in my hands.

"Hey." I hear someone say. I turn around to see this guy, he looked great. His hair was red and he had a piercing on his left eyebrow.

"Hi." I reply.

"Michael." he offered his hand and I quickly shook it.


"So what's a pretty girl like you doing alone in this party?" he asked taking a sip from his cup.

"No, I'm with Luke."  I say and started dancing along the beat of Nicki Minaj's song.

"Wait! Luke? As in Luke fucking Hemmings?" he said in amazement and I just nod.

"I thought he was with Alex--"

"No they broke up." I didn't let him finish.

"Okay? So what are you? His rebound? Or maybe his fuck buddy?" he had a smirk plastered on his face.

"I'm actually his girlfriend." I reply and got another cup of whatever was in it and chugged it down.

"Wow. Luke has some balls. Anyway can I get your number?"  he held his phone out and I quickly typed in my number.

"Bye Michael!" I giggle, okay maybe I'm a little tipsy.



It took me a while to find Ashton, I went through every room until I found her in his room making out with some blonde. I told him my whole situation and about faking it with Jane besides he had to know, he was my best friend. But he told me that I needed to be careful because I might fall for her but that was just ridiculous. Jane was my friend and was like my sister.

After our little chit chat I went out looking for Jane and let's say she was already stumbling.

"Hey are you alright?" I asked and she just nodded her head.

"Luke you look so cute in your flannel." she giggled and she didn't stop giggling.

I decided that it was best to bring her to bed and I had a spare key to one of Ashton's spare room that was always locked. She still wasn't finished giggling when we reached the top of the stairs and I had put her back on her own feet.

"That was fun! Can we do it again?" I decides on finding the key in my pocket and when I finally did we both ended up stumbling inside the room.

I helped her up but she couldn't balance herself and so we ended up hitting the door. And then I just stared at her, she looked so beautiful in that dress that I started fantasizing her without it and then I looked up her lips and I had the urge to kiss them.

(okay it starts here..)

She smashed our lips together moving in sync, molding it together like it was made to be like two puzzle pieces. I couldn't hold on the moan I had been trying to resist, she started unbuttoning my flannel and her finger tips felt cold. I wasn't able to hold it and she giggled.

"I like that sound." she purred in my ear and she started to suck a certain spot on my neck and I knew it had to stop but it was too perfect and amazing. She quickly kicked of her shoes and so did I.

She was finally able to remove my flannel and I completely lost it. "Jump." I whispered in her ear and sucked at the spot behind it and she quickly obliged.

We both ended up landing on the bed, our make out session was getting more heated and then I already had my hands on the zipper of her dress. Slowly I teased her and she ended up removing the dress on her own.

We continued on rubbing our hips together and then I felt her hands on my pants, I quickly helped her on removing it.

"Jane are you sure about this?" I say in between the kisses. "You're slightly drunk and I don't want you regretting it in the morning."  and continued giving her light kisses from her collar bones to her jaw,

"I am Luke, besides I'm not a virgin if that's what you're scared off." and what she said just kinda had set me on fire. I quickly unclasped her bra and removed her underwear.

"You're supposed to do it slowly. You're no fun Luke!" she pouted and it continued to drive me crazy. She had her hands on the garter of my boxers and she slowly pulled it down.

"Wow! It looks like a candy cane!" squealed and I quickly get off her to open the drawer beside us and it had what we needed: protection.

"You ready?" and she just nodded but I couldn't understand how she looked perfect.

I slowly thrust in and out of her and she couldn't stop moaning. And I couldn't believe that below me was a girl who was able to cover up all her imperfections just by being who she is. She might be bare underneath me but I couldn't understand how I met her? And why am I with her. And somehow it came to my mind that, maybe just maybe this wasn't f...



sorry i just had to end it there. sorry if it sucked lol.

this is my first time writing this kind of things but not reading them lol.

okay fine, gtg love you all!

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