[02]: Time For a Trip

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2023 Queens, New York
"You're so cute, Underoos."

"Have a great time on your trip, honey." Steve, Katherine, and Christian Rogers all stood at the airport with Amaya before dropping her off with her class, and Steve was the one who spoke to her. He also had their little brother, who was now 9 months old in his arms.

"Thanks. All of you guys didn't have to come." Amaya said while smiling at her family.

"Of course we did. Look at you, being all normal." Christian teased and Amaya rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, whatever." She said.

"You have your bracelet and bandana, right?" Katherine asked and Amaya sighed.

"Yes, Mom... a fail safety just in case... but I hope nothing happens. I just want to have a good time. Avenging was yours and Dad's world. I only got involved because... I had to, but I just can't do it anymore, I don't want to do it anymore." Amaya said and Katherine nodded her head.

"I understand, baby. I do." Katherine said before pulling her daughter into a hug, which Amaya gladly returned and she let out a sigh. "I love you, have a lot of fun, and take a lot of pictures. I really hope you enjoy Venice." Katherine said as they pulled away.

"I love you too, Mom... and I'm most excited for Venice since that's where you're from," Amaya said with a smile on her face, and then she gave her dad a side hug since he was holding her little brother as well.

"I love you, princess. Call us when you land?" Steve said while kissing her forehead, and Amaya nodded.

"I will." She said and then she took her little brother from her dad's arms and kissed his cheek repeatedly which made him laugh. "And I'm gonna miss you the most little T. The best brother in the world." She cooed to him before kissing his cheek again, and as he laughed, she handed him back to her dad.

"Wow. I'm offended." Christian said and Amaya rolled her eyes before wrapping her twin brother in a hug.

"I love you, idiot." She said which made him laugh.

"I love you too, Maya. I hope you and Peter Pan have fun." Christian said, which made Amaya roll her eyes and shove her brother's chest.

"Shut up you asshole!" She said and then she could hear her dad's mind, so she quickly turned to him. "I know Dad, language. Especially in front of little T. Bye guys." She said which made Steve laugh.

"We love you!"

When Amaya boarded the plane, she could already hear Flash shit-talking to her boyfriend, and she was about sick of him. She also noticed that he was standing in First Class with a glass of champagne in his hands as he spoke. "Yo, Parker. This is called an airplane. It's like the buses you're used to, except it flies over the poor neighborhoods instead of driving through them." Flash said and Amaya rolled her eyes.

"Ma'am!" Amaya called out for the flight attendant who poked her head through to look at Amaya.

"Hmm?" She asked.

"He Blipped, so technically, he's 16, not 21." She said while pointing over to Flash. She didn't notice that Brad was behind her. Brad hadn't blipped and he was younger than Peter and everyone when Thanos' snapped happened, and now he was the same age as Peter's class. A couple of other people laughed as the flight attendant took Flash's drink away.

"She's lying, I don't even know this girl," Flash said while pointing at her which made Amaya laugh, and then she looked at Peter and gave him a smile, which he returned.

"I wish you were sitting with me instead of Ned." Peter thought for her to hear, and Amaya blushed a little before mouthing to him.

"Me too."

Brad then leaned over and looked at Peter. "Classic Maya, right?" He said. Peter and Ned watched as Brad helped Amaya and MJ put their things into the overhead baggage. Amaya and MJ were both in the row behind Brad, but the girls were sitting together, and Amaya was happy that if she couldn't sit with Peter, at least she was sitting with MJ, and another girl named Betty, but they weren't really friends. But then Ned approached their row.

"Hey guys... uh, there's an old lady sitting in front of us wearing a crazy amount of perfume and it's kind of setting off Peter's allergies. Um... you know, Betty, if you could just... switch seats with him, that would be...-" But Ned was cut off by Betty.

"...-He's allergic to perfume?" Betty asked.

"No... he just really wants to sit next to his girlfriend, so it would help if you just got up." Amaya heard Ned think to himself which made her smile, but then he looked back to Betty. "Yeah, yeah... because, um, it...-It makes his eyes water, and he can't really...-" This time Ned was cut off by one of their chaperones, Mr. Harrington.

"...-Peter has a perfume allergy?" Mr. Harrington asked.

"Oh, uh...-" Ned tried to make up an excuse, but it was too late. Mr. Harrington was already out of his seat.

"...-I'll tell you from experience, perfume allergies are no joke. I can feel hives breaking out already." Mr. Harrington said and then he looked at Amaya. "Amaya, stand up." He said and she did, having a feeling she wasn't going to like how this turned out. "Ned, take Amaya's spot. Amaya, you take my spot. Peter, come with me, let's get you out of there." Mr. Harrington said and Amaya sighed as Brad stood up so she could get inside to the middle seat.

"Sorry." She apologized as she sat down next to him, even though she didn't want to be with him. Out of all excuses, Ned shouldn't have gone with allergy with their chaperone right next to them, and then Brad looked at her.

"Oh, I got a dual headphone adapter if you wanna watch a movie?" Brad asked. Amaya sighed, knowing that she would rather be watching a movie with Peter, but since this was going to be a long flight, she might as well make something of it.

"Only if it's depressing... or hilarious," Amaya said.

After a few hours of movies, Amaya decided she needed to use the bathroom, so she climbed over Brad before heading back and seeing that someone else was in there. When the door opened, and Peter walked out, Amaya had a smile on her face, and Peter had one on his too.

"Hey." He said and she smiled wider.

"Hey... I know what you and Ned tried to do. I wish I was sitting with you too." Amaya said and Peter sighed while nodding his head.

"I know... he's not good at coming up with lies," Peter said which made the young Rogers laugh.

"Not at all." She said and then Peter just continued to stare at his girlfriend, not wanting either of them to leave, knowing that when they do, she has to go back and sit next to Brad, while he's stuck next to Mr. Harrington, but Amaya cleared her throat and laughed a little. "Babe..." She said.

"Yeah? Yes...?" Peter asked her.

"I still have to go to the bathroom." She said and Peter's eyes widened, as he realized he was still standing in the doorway and he walked out of the bathroom, his cheeks starting to flush.

"Oh, right. Sorry." He said and Amaya laughed before kissing his cheek, and heading towards the bathroom.

"You're so cute, Underoos."

Aw, I love them. Too bad these poor kids have no idea what Nick Fury has planned for them.

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