[12]: She Knows

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2023 Prague, Czech Republic
"Your costumes look great! For the costume party at Prince's castle."

"I can't believe I gave Beck those glasses. I mean, how could I be that stupid? He's probably spying on us right now or sending a drone to come kill us." Peter said while closing the blinds to his room that he, MJ, and Amaya were all in, and MJ looked at him.

"You guys had access to killer drones?" MJ asked.

"Yeah, I didn't really want them, especially after I almost killed Brad," Peter said as Amaya was typing on Peter's laptop while sitting at his desk.

"Then you should've given them to me, not Beck. Uncle T gave them to us. You could've at least talked to me first. I can't believe you gave away the only thing Uncle Tony left behind..." Amaya slightly snapped, and Peter sighed, knowing that he deserved that. He knew Amaya would be upset, and he knew that he deserved every part of it.

"Amaya, I know and I'm sorry... I just, you know I never wanted to do this. I just wanted to be on vacation." Peter said and Amaya shook her head.

"So that means give away the only piece of my Uncle that I have left? How could you be so careless and so reckless? Even if he didn't fake the whole thing... why would you give away something Uncle Tony left for us?" She slightly snapped and Peter hung his head. He knew nothing that he said would make Amaya any less mad at him and MJ cleared her throat.

"Uh... You almost killed Brad?" MJ asked as Amaya closed the laptop.

"Look, I have to call Mr. Fury and tell him that Beck's a fraud, but I think he tapped my phone, and if he tapped mine, he tapped Amaya's too," Peter said.

"Great... so I can't even call my mom and have her warn Fury," Amaya said while taking a deep breath. She was extremely frustrated that Peter gave away the only piece of Tony they had left without even thinking about it, or talking to her about it.

"So what are you guys gonna do?" MJ asked.

"Uh... I need my suit, and Amaya and I have to go to Berlin and talk to Mr. Fury in person." Peter said before taking off his shirt, and then he realized that he was in the room with two girls. One girl being his girlfriend, who he's never gotten naked in front of before, and he suddenly became very aware that he was shirtless.

MJ cleared her throat as she turned around, but Amaya was still looking. She knew that Peter was strong, but she never actually seen just how muscular he was under his clothes, and she didn't want to look away, but then when Peter cleared his throat a little, Amaya snapped out of her trance, and her face started to flush.

"Oh, sorry!" She exclaimed before quickly turning around, and then she tapped the bracelet on her wrist twice, and MJ watched in shock as Amaya's suit formed around her body, and as the suit was still forming, Amaya looked in the doorway and saw Ned standing there, who looked surprised that both Peter and Amaya were in their suits in front of MJ.

"Oh, Ned, perfect," Peter said while lifting up his eye mask, and Amaya was tying her up the way she usually did before putting her bandana over her face.

"Your costumes look great! For the costume party at Prince's castle." Ned said.

"She knows. We told her." Peter said while pointing to MJ.

"They didn't tell me. I figured it out." MJ said while shaking her head.

"Oh... that's cool." Ned said.

"Like a long time ago," MJ said.

"Oh..." Ned said.

"Look, we don't have time for any of this. Mysterio is a fraud." Amaya said.

"But... but he saved me and Betty's lives," Ned said.

"No, he's been faking the whole thing with illusion tech," MJ said.

"Yeah, he's using these, like hologram projectors," Peter said.

"Whoa. That's crazy." Ned said.

"Yeah," Amaya said.

"So are you three like... working the case together or what?" Ned asked.

"It's been mostly me," MJ said while shrugging her shoulders which made Amaya laugh.

"Look, Ned. I need you to call May, get her to call Mr. Harrington, say that she wanted me to stay with family in Berlin until this all blows over, okay?" Peter said and Ned nodded.

"Got it." He said.

"And I also need you to call my brother, or my dad, whichever one is less intimidating for you, but I need one of my parents to tell Mr. Harrington that they gave me permission to stay with Peter and his family in Berlin until this blows over, okay?" Amaya said.

"Got it... should I also mention that part to May, just so their stories are straight?" Ned asked.

"Yes." Peter and Amaya said at the same time.

"Got it. Easy." Ned said while nodding his head.

"Wow, you guys lie with such ease," MJ said while looking between the three of them.

"We gotta go," Peter said as he walked over to one of the windows and opened the blinds, but MJ walked over to the bed and picked up the projector.

"Wait, wait, wait. The projector." MJ said before turning around. "You're gonna need this." She said while tossing it to Peter since Amaya was tying her bandana on since they were about to leave.

"Don't tell anyone about this, okay? Anyone who knows is in danger." Peter said and he put his mask back over his eyes while Amaya did the same. Peter jumped out of the window and she used her powers to follow after him, as he shot out webs to attach to various buildings to swing himself through the air as they made their way to the train station.

Then they were on their way to Berlin.

Sorry, this was short, but the next chapter will be longer.

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