[03]: Venice

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2023 Venice, Italy
"Well played, Underoos... well played."

"Hey man, did you see Brad and Amaya on the plane? They were watching movies and laughing the entire time." Peter said to Ned as everyone was at the airport in Venice. Amaya stood with MJ and Brad, and she was so excited to be in the city where her mother was born and learn all about the history. She was also curious to know if the Moretti gang was still talked about around here. She knew her grandfather was a powerful force back in the 1900s.

"Dude, don't worry, okay? It was probably just because she was stuck with him for 8 hours on a plane so she decided to try and make the most of it. Amaya is your girlfriend. Not even Brad can change that." Ned said and then the duo was approached by Betty.

"Hey, babe," Betty said and Peter looked at the two surprised. "Can you hold this for me, please?" She asked while handing Ned one of her bags.

"Yeah, of course," Ned said.

"Thanks." She said before she kissed his cheek and then she walked away. Peter had a confused look in his eyes as she watched her leave, and then turned to his best friend with the confusion all over his face.

"What was that?" Peter asked.

"Uh well... we actually got to talking on the plane, and it turns out, we have a lot in common. So, uh, we're boyfriend and girlfriend now." Ned said.

"What happened to your plan of being an American bachelor in Europe?" Peter asked him.

"Peter, those were the words of a boy. And that boy met a woman. A very strong and powerful woman. And now, that boy's a man." Ned said.

"Babe?" Betty said.

"Coming, babe," Ned said before walking away from Peter. When Amaya saw that her boyfriend was alone. She approached him and grabbed his hand with a wide smile on her face.

"I can't wait to explore the city, I'm so excited," Amaya said. Seeing her so happy made Peter really happy as he squeezed her hand and nodded his head. 

"Here's to having a great trip together?" Peter asked and Amaya smiled, before leaning up and pressing her lips against his which Peter smiled as he happily kissed her back.

"Let's have a great trip together."

Their science class was now on a boat tour of the city, but also on the way to their hotel. Amaya was of course taking plenty of pictures to send to her parents and her brother, and she said she would call them once they got back to the hotel for the night, but Amaya was in awe of how beautiful everything was, and then she handed her phone to Peter.

"Baby, take a picture of me to send to my parents." She said and Peter nodded before grabbing her phone and opening up the camera. "Make sure the water's in it." She said.

"Maya, the water has no choice but to be in it." Peter said and Amaya rolled her eyes.

"Just take the picture." She said as she laughed and Peter captured her smile perfectly before handing her back her phone, and she came over to his side of the boat to sit next to him. "And now I need a picture of us." She said. Peter leaned in and pressed his lips against her cheek, which made her give a smile that reached up to her eyes as she took the picture of her and Peter.

"Looks like we're here. They're doing renovations to the place. Getting some upgrades." Mr. Harrington said.

"Oh, this is trash." A boy said.

"That must be the concierge. Okay." Mr. Harrington said. Everyone got off the boat, and Peter helped Amaya off the boat, as Mr. Harrington led them inside. "Everyone, here we are." He said as they stepped inside, and everyone immediately started to complain.

"This place is sinking." Flash said.

"I think you mean, charming." Mr. Harrington said.

"Okay, everybody. Drop your bags off. We're gonna meet at the Da Vinci Museum at 3. Let's go!" Mr. Dell, the other chaperone addressed the kids.

"Vãmanos!" Mr. Harrington said.

"It's andiamo," Amaya corrected. Since she was fluent in Italian because her mother taught it to her and Christian while they were still young, and she even spoke in Italian to Anthony, Amaya would know the correct words to say.

"Andiamo!" Mr. Harrington corrected himself.

"When in Rome, you do what the Romans do. When you're in Venice, you get your socks wet." Dr. Dell said. Amaya rolled her eyes, as she went up to find her hotel room, which she was sharing with MJ, so she was pretty excited about that.

She couldn't wait to tour the city.

Peter watched with a smile on his face as Amaya took pictures of the city, and took pictures with MJ. Seeing her so happy to be in the place where her mother was born at made him happy to see. And while she was enjoying herself, Peter branched off to a jewelry store so he could get her the crystal sapphire necklace he wanted to surprise her with.

"Hi! I'm looking for a... uh..." Peter was able to explain and the man held up a sapphire necklace that was in the shape of a flower.

"Fiore cristallizzato zaffiro." The shopkeeper said while holding up the necklace in front of Peter who stared at it awestruck. He was truly blown away by how beautiful it was, and he knew Amaya was going to love it. [it means a crystal sapphire flower]

Peter carefully took the necklace in his hands, and he smiled while nodding his head. "It's perfect." Peter said. After buying the necklace, and having it wrapped and put up in a gift bag, he was a lot happier, and he couldn't wait to get to Paris to give it to Amaya. As he was rounding a corner, Amaya popped out of nowhere, and grabbed his shoulders.

"Boh!" She exclaimed.

"What?" Peter asked as he quickly put the gift bag behind his back.

"Boh. It's the most perfect Italian word my mother taught me. Italians created it." Amaya said.

"What does it mean?" Peter asked.

"That's just it. It can mean a multitude of things. It can mean 'I don't know,' 'get out of my face,' I don't know and get out of my face. It just depends on the context of the conversation. I think it's the best thing that has come out of Italy. Except for espresso and of course my mother." Amaya said and Peter laughed.

"Oh, so someone's been drinking espresso?" He asked as they started to walk up a set of stairs.

"Hey. German? American?" A guy that was standing in front of the couple asked as he offered out a red rose, and Amaya laughed.

"Boh." She said. The guy's shoulders slumped before he walked away from the two and Peter looked at Amaya, who smiled.

"Wow." Peter said.

"Boh is my new superpower. It's like my anti-'aloha.' This word was made for me." Amaya said and then she looked at the gift bag in Peter's hand and raised an eyebrow. "What's in the bag?" She asked.

"Oh... uh, boh," Peter said while shrugging his shoulders which made the young Rogers laugh as she eyed her boyfriend before respectfully nodding her head.

"Well played, Underoos... well played." She said. Peter laughed before taking her hand as they continued to walk through the city together, and next to the water. Amaya let go of Peter's hand and grabbed her phone, before bending down next to the water to take some pictures, and when she looked back at him and smiled, he smiled too.

Then he looked at the sewer next to him and noticed it was overflowing with water, and then all of the water suddenly disappeared into it. Amaya immediately looked up when she heard a huge explosion, and her eyes widened to see water shooting up high into the sky and she immediately stood up and walked back to where Peter was.

"What... the... hell?"

Oh, it's happening. Hero team up, even though neither of them wants to be heroes right now.

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