Chapter 3: Westbay

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1 week later

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1 week later...

She settled in quickly to my apartment. I was worried about leaving her on her own, but she reassured me that she would be okay. On one of her first few days here, she has misplaced her blanket and she started to have a panic attack. It was like her first day at the hospital all over again. Quinn took a look at the blanket and the problem is, it leads us nowhere. It is the most generic grey blanket you can buy. So, that was a dead end. What I don't understand is how she has no issue taking care of herself during the day, cooking for herself, or even cleaning. I guess a good person would know how to take care of herself, but the way that she does it is very particular. It is like she is doing is for somebody. When I asked her why she was doing all this, she told me that it was the least that she could do for me. She starts her therapy sessions today and I know that she doesn't want to go.

"You ready to go?" I ask as she slips on a pair of converse. She nods and we head out. She sits in the passenger seat and she buckles up. She looks out the window as we drive to her appointment. I know that she is so frustrated that she can't help herself. I could never begin to comprehend how she feels with not knowing who she is. She is lost and she can't find herself. She wants to fill in the blanks, but they are nowhere to be found. She doesn't know it yet, but we are waiting on the results and William called to let me know that it is likely that we will get a DNA match to a missing person. I walk her inside and I let her go to her appointment. I had talked with her therapist briefly and then I left. I arrived at the precinct and I had a missed call from the hospital. I go to dial the hospital, but I walk into the office and I see William standing there with a file.

"Is that what I think it is?" I ask briskly moving over to them.

"This is the news that we have been waiting for. Are you ready to find out who she is?" He asks. Quinn and I look at each other and then both nod. He pulls out a photo and pins it to the board.


A couple of days later

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A couple of days later...

1 year and a month. That is how long I have waited for a sign. A sign that she would come home. A sign that our baby would finally have her mother. A sign that my wife would come back home.


Work phone? No, it's personal. I look at it and I see an unknown number. Probably a scam. I deny the call. I walk into the nursery and I check on our baby girl. I miss her mother so much. People keep telling me that she left and that she isn't coming back, especially since our baby, Ashlynn, was delivered on the doorstep perfectly healthy. She was about a month old when she arrived here in Chicago. My phone starts to ring again and I quickly leave the room, before she wakes up. It is the same number from earlier.

"Hello?" I ask holding the phone up to my ear.

"Is this Hunter Westbay?" A voice asks. There's an accent to it. British, maybe?

"Yes, who is this?"

"I'm Detective Jamie Brunt with the City of London Police. We wanted to call you because we believe that we have your wife." I drop my phone in shock. My wife?

"Mr. Westbay, are you still there." I pick my phone up off the floor and I cradle it back against my ear.

"Yes, sorry. Um, are you sure?" I ask.

"We ran a DNA test. I matched a missing person case from about a year ago. This number was attached. We are willing to fly you out to London, to no expense to you."

"Um, no, I can fly out myself, don't worry about it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, thank you so much, Detective Brunt. You don't know how much this means to me."

"I think I do. We will be in touch."

"Okay, thank you." I end the call in I walk into my office and I open up my laptop. I find a flight to London that is as soon as possible and that also has a seat that is next to mine for my daughter. I call into my precinct and say that I am going on leave and I don't know how long I'll be gone.

I'm bringing my wife home. 


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