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When me and Tom were younger we were the bestest of friends. We did everything together; played with our siblings, did homework after school, hung out together in the playground and even did all of the same clubs. Tom, Harrison and I were a trio. Everyone would look at us and be jealous that they didn't have a friendship like ours. Tom's family and my family were very close. Nikki and my mum Dianne were friends since primary school and they were practically our neighbours. Everything changed that one day. My parents changed that one day, their lives changed that one day and so did mine.

I was fourteen years old. Which was five years ago now. I used to have an older brother, his name was Jake. We lost him that day. I remember the phone call. I remember the way my father stood next to the couch holding the landline phone in shock. How my mother dropped down to the floor with tears pouring down her face. I remember all the thoughts that were running through my head that couldn't even be processed because of the pure shock that blocked my mind. A couple of tears rolled down my face before the real flood came in.

"It was an accident" I heard Nikki say over the phone in distraught. I could tell she was crying too. "Dianne, you have to understand that we had to save our kids first. You would have done the same." she said sounding more nervous now. "it was an accident" those four words used to haunt me in my sleep every night and sometimes still do.

Jake went to the Holland's house that day. He went over to their house to play football with the boys. I remember wanting to go too that day. I'm lucky I didn't. If Harry hadn't complained about having sandwiches that day Jake would still be with us. We would still be talking to the Holland family. If Nikki hadn't cooked the roast beef that day Jake would still be with us. The fire. The fire is what happened, what killed my innocent older brother. The house went up in flames ever so quickly. Tom's childhood home, all those memories that it held within it, some of my own. Gone. My brother, gone.

All the boys were upstairs in the twins room. Dom saw the flames first after the smoke alarm started going off. He tried his best to put it out but it just wouldn't work. Nikki saw Dom in his panicked state but Dom rushed her out to the front of the house. The fire was spreading quickly. Dom went up to get all the boys to safety. He got all of them including Jake but when he got to the stairs the fire was already half way up them. The window was the last option. Paddy got out first, then Harry, quickly followed by Sam. Tom was next, he was in such a panic that he managed to slice his leg on the cracked windowsill. Blood was everywhere. Dom didn't know what to do. The scent of smoke was only getting stronger and stronger. The firemen had now just arrived and slowly helped Tom out of the house. The fire had spread rapidly and the only room left was the one Dom and Jake were standing in. Jake was seventeen. He knew what was going on, what was going to happen. He knew that even if he did get out of the house the smoke that was now inside his lungs would kill him anyway.
"Take my hand" the fireman shouted at him holding out his ash stained hand. Dom was panicking majorly thinking hurry up.
"You go first Dom" Jake said. Little did he know those were the last words that were going to come out of his mouth. Dom then left the house. The fire was now surrounding Jake almost as if it didn't want him to escape. The fireman lent his hand in to grab Jake but couldn't reach. He started calling the others for help but they were too late. Everyone made it but Jake that day.

We haven't spoken to the Holland's since. My parents have never forgiven Tom's family for letting their son die that day. It wasn't their fault. I don't think so anyway. My parents never let me speak to the Holland boys again not even my best friend Tom. And never will let me speak to him again. But kids don't really obey their parents right?

I love you, I guess it's fate T.H X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now