Chapter 9

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It's 12:55 and I've just finished getting ready for me and Tom's date. I'm really excited about today. Growing up I never thought that me and Tom would ever be in a couple. I thought that he would always be my best friend but now he's my best friend and my boyfriend. Thinking about it I've always loved Tom. Maybe not in the way that I do now but I've always loved him.

From Tom:
I'm here babe xxx
Sent: 12:56

I grab my bag and slowly but quietly walk to the front door. Just as I touch the doorknob I jump in shock from a voice behind me.

"Where do you think you're going? Your grounded remember?" My mother asks in a harsh tone.

"I-I uh well I-" I stumble on my words trying to think of an excuse.

"Go back to your room!" She exclaims. I stand up straight and look my mother in the eyes.

"No." I say confidently.

"What did you say?" She asks almost as if she is offended.

"I said no. I'm nineteen and I can do what I like. And you know where I'm going?" I say taking a step closer to her.

"If you are seeing that boy I swear to god-" my mother's voice gets angrier and angrier.

"I am. And he's my boyfriend now and you can't do anything about it." I say confidently. I turn around and start walking to the front door. My mother grabs my arm.

"How dare you disobey me? You are not to see that boy!" She shouts.

"I can do whatever the hell I want! I love him! I don't care what you say but what happened to Jake was not their fault!" I scream yanking my arm away from her. Again I walk back to the front door. Just as I reach the doorknob one more time my mother speaks up.

"It was meant to be them." She says with a sudden gentle voice. I turn around to face her and see the tears forming in her eyes.

"W-what did you just say?" I ask confused and scared.

"I-I thought Jake was outside. IT WAS MEANT TO BE THEM NOT HIM!" She exclaims her voice getting louder and louder.

"W-what are you talking about?" I ask fully knowing what she's saying but not wanting to believe it. A tear rolls down my face.

"Nicola took everything away from me." Her voice getting angrier. "Dom was meant to be mine! MINE! HE LOVED ME! NOT HER! SHE TOOK EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME." She shouts with both tears rolling down her face and her voice the angriest tone I have ever heard it.

"You started the fire." I say in disbelief whilst taking a step back.

"Nikki was meant to be my best friend. But she took EVERYTHING from me." She said her eyes looking crazier and crazier. I freeze in shock for a moment or two whilst she breaks down to the floor tears flooding her face.

"You killed him. YOU KILLED JAKE! ALL THIS TIME IT WAS YOU!" I shout finally coming to terms with what's going on.

"I killed him." She says looking into my eyes. I suddenly fear my mother so I run outside, slam the door and lock it. Tom's waiting outside in his car and as soon as he sees me in the state that I'm in he runs up to me.

"(Y/n)?? What happened??" He asks looking extremely worried.

"Sh- she killed him." I say looking down at the floor.

"What? Who killed who?" Tom asks both confused and worried.

"My- my mum." I say and look Tom in the eyes. "She killed Jake." I say with tears still rolling down my face. Tom looks immediately confused.

"N- no it- it was the fire. The- the roast beef- it started the fire." Tom says stumbling because he's confused. Tears also start forming in his eyes.

"Ju-just call the police. I'll explain later." I say and sit down on the floor and stare at the ground in shock hoping my mother can't get through the locked door.

"Okay." Tom says.

It was only twenty minutes later that I was standing outside my house hand in hand with Tom with my father standing behind me, his face too is tear stained. I watch as the police drag my crazy mother out of the house as she is fighting them to get free. The blue and red lights from the police car quickly changing and the loud siren ringing makes it all real. I'm still standing in shock not understanding so many things. How had my mother kept this a secret for so long? Why did she tell me? Did she just break? How could she have put Nikki through all the prison trials when she knew it was herself all along? What made her love Dom so much? How could she even want to kill the whole Holland family?

Suddenly I feel Tom's arms wrap around me and a kiss on the top of my head. I feel a couple of tears land in my hair before looking up to him.

"I'm sorry." I say to him as my teary eyes look into his teary eyes.

"Why?" He asks

"She wanted to kill you Tom. She wanted to kill all of you." I say and his face turned to fear. "She wanted to kill you." I cry into his chest and can't stop. His arms wrap around me tighter.

"Don't- don't be sorry." He says as his cheek is pressing against the top of my head. We stand like that for about ten minutes. I hug my dad tightly and then he goes to the police station as he wants to question my mother. Me and Tom go inside and I slowly stutter out everything my mum told me. We end up lying on my bed, my head resting on his chest and his head leaning on the top of mine. We had stopped crying but we were just lying there in silence.

"You should probably go home, and tell your mum." I say still staying in the same position not actually wanting him to go.

"No I'm saying here." He says holding me tighter.

"Your parents need to know." I say looking up to him.

"They can wait till tomorrow. I'm staying here." He says looking back at me. I give him a half smile as if to say thank you. After about five minutes I speak up again.

"How are you not petrified right now?" I ask him.

"What do you mean?" He asks moving his body do that he can look me in the eyes properly. I sit up and start playing with my fingers but lock my eyes with his.

"She tried to kill you. You were almost murdered. How are you not petrified?" I ask him in pure disbelief. His eyes start to get teary again.

"It was five years ago." He sighs. "I didn't die. I didn't get killed. I'm lucky." He says, his brown eyes looking softer than ever before.

"You're brave." I say to him and let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. We look into each other's eyes for a second longer. All I feel like I can do right now is hug him. So we hug. I let go and then wipe the tears away from his face. I leave my hand their rubbing his cheek gently. We smile at each other. I lean in and so does he. We kiss. The kiss quickly turns passionate. I move to sit on his lap. We keep kissing. Quickly he rips off my top and I do the same with his. He rolls me over so that I'm lying on my back. He undoes his belt buckle and pulls down his jeans. But then I see his leg. I pull away from kissing him and freeze. He sees me staring at his long scar down his shin and immediately knows what's going through my mind.

"Is that?" I ask him with loads of thoughts about Jake and my mum running through my mind. He nods. It's the scar he got that day. When he sliced his leg on the cracked windowsill as he was escaping from the fire. "I'm sorry I- I can't." I say.

"Don't be sorry." He says and moves from on top of me. He puts back on his jeans and his top and I put my top back on. We lie back down next to each other on my bed in silence and eventually we fall asleep.

I love you, I guess it's fate T.H X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now