Chapter 14

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I spent the rest of that night crying. I didn't know what to do with myself. I guess I knew that it would happen. I mean eventually he would find out right? I should be happy. I should be happy that he didn't find out when we were married and had kids. That would be way worse. But I love him. I will never stop loving him. Knowing that I probably won't be forgiven. It hurts. Knowing that I not only damaged my relationship with my boyfriend, I damaged my relationship with my best friend too. I damaged two other relationships in the process; my two best friends relationship and my now ex-boyfriends and his best friends freindship. It couldn't get much worse. Now I am left with no one. No one but my father, who let's be real wouldn't be much help to me. He wouldn't be able to be there like friends can, or make me laugh like friends can. I don't have the most important people in my life anymore. I need them. I need them. I went home straight after Tom left. I decided that I can't talk to Harrison anymore. It's the wrong thing to do, I know that. But I just feel so bad. I feel bad that I hurt these people. The people that I love.

It's already the afternoon and all I've done today is cry. I laid on my bed and cried. Actually, that's a lie. I looked at all the photos of me and Tom and me and Talia. That sounds really sad. But it made me feel even worse. Knowing that those moments are in the past and will never be in the future. All those memories I have to hang on to because there won't be any new ones.

The doorbell rings and my dad's out so I have to answer. I quickly wipe all my tears off my face and try to not look as blotchy as possible. I open the door and to my surprise Talia is standing there. Her face turns from smiling brightly to complete confusion and worry when she sees my tear stained face.

"Talia?" I ask. Still confused as to why she's at my house and she's so happy.

"Are you okay?" She asks as she steps into my house. Harrison must not have told her. Shit what do I do now? "Hello?" She asks waving her hand in front of my face.

"Huh? Oh um I'm fine." I say and try my best to give her a fake smile. I then walk into the living room and drop down onto the couch. She follows me in.

"I know when you're upset. You're upset. Tell me." She says comfortingly as she sits down next to me. I sniff and look down trying my best not to break down into tears. But I do. They all flood down and I cover my face in embarrassment. I can't stop crying. It won't stop. "Hey, Hey (y/n) oh my god. Here come here." She says and hugs me tightly. I cry into her shoulder. I know I should tell her but I just can't. "What's wrong?" She asks again after a few seconds, letting go of the hug. I don't reply and wipe most of my tears away. "Come on, you know you can tell me anything." She says and smiles in a comforting way. I sigh.

"Tom broke up with me." I say not looking at her. The tears start to roll down my face again but not as much as last time. Her face turns to shock.

"Oh my god! Are you okay? Why? What happened?" She bombards me with questions. I look up over to the wall behind her and let out a big sigh.

"Please don't get mad." I say as I look her in the eye, my voice breaking a little.

"Why would I get mad?" She asks and lets out a nervous laugh. I let out a big sigh again and I can feel the tears filling up in my eyes.

"I um-" I try so hard but I can't say it. I can't say it to her face. It will break her heart.

"What is is?" She asks, seeming more worried now.

"I cheated on him." I spit out and immediately look down to my fiddling fingers. A single tear rolls down my face.

"What? (Y/N) why?" She asks a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"It was after our argument. I- I was just so angry. It just happened. I regret it. I regret it so so much. It was the biggest mistake of my life." I say letting my leftover tears come out. I feel broken. Life couldn't get worse. Not right now.

"I thought you knew better (y/n)." She says. The disappointment clearer than ever.

"I did. I do. I- I don't know why it happened. I feel awful." I say dreading what I know I have to say next.

"Who even was it? Some rando from the streets?" She asks. I can't tell if she's joking or not.

"No." I say and look everywhere in the room but her eyes. I can't see her hurt face. I don't want to.

"Then who?" She asks. A bit more worried. The thought must have come up in her head.

"H- Harrison." I mumble, loud enough for her to hear me. I look her to her only to see the tears now rolling down her face too. She wipes them quickly and then gets up and starts to walk away. I shoot up and run after her.

"Talia. Talia please." I say trying to stop her from leaving. She turns around sharply and crosses her arms.

"How? How could you do this?" She asks, her voice breaking in the process.

"I- I don't know." I say and look down. Hating myself for not even having a reason.

"I really didn't thing you could stoop so low." She says shamefully. She looks deeply into my eyes and then turns around and walks to my front door. She slams it shut. I don't even run after her. I know it's no use. What use would it be? She hates me. Tom hates me. Harrison probably hates me. They all hate me. I have no one. I have nothing.

I love you, I guess it's fate T.H X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now