Chapter 8

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I wake up the happiest I've been in a long time. I still can't believe that I have a boyfriend. Just last week I said to myself and Talia that I'm not going to get another one yet and just focus on school. That went out of the window very quickly. Today I promised Talia that I would spend the day with her as she needs her best friend right now and she wants me to tell her everything about the date last night. She sneaks in since I'm still fucking grounded and plops down on my bed.

"Feeling better today?" I ask as I flop down opposite her.

"Much. I've had a think about things and I've realised that he wasn't right for me anyway." She says and shrugs.

"Well good." I say and pat her leg. It's a comforting strategy, trust me it works.

"Anyway enough about my sad love life! What about your date?? Tell me everything." She says. I tell her all about our deep chat at dinner and then my surprise at the park.

"And I may or may not have a boyfriend." I say and try not to smile too much.

"AHHHHH OH MY GOD!!!!" She screams.

"Shut up my parents will hear you!" I say quickly starting to freak out.

"Sorry." She whispers. "But yayyy. Oh my god I have to properly meet him now. Can you get a day we can do? Ah I'm so excited." She starts planning in her mind a trip out with me and Tom.

"We-" I'm cut off by my phone ringing. "Speaking of the devil." I say to Talia and answer my phone whilst getting off of my bed.

"Oh my god is it him??" She asks excitedly. I nod confused as to why she's so happy right now.

"Hey Pinkie." Tom says over the phone. I can tell by his voice that he's smiling.

"Hey." I say and smile myself.

"So me and Haz are heading over to the cinema to see IT 2 and we were wondering if you want to come?" He asks obviously hoping I would say yes.

"As much as I would love to go see a horror movie about clowns which you know I'm terrified of, I can't. My friend Talia's round today and-" I'm cut off by Tom speaking again.

"Great! She can come too!" He says.

"You're really desperate for me to get nightmares for the next two weeks aren't you?" I joke.

"Pleaseee it will be fun!" He exclaims.

"I'll ask her." I say and cover the phone with my hand. "Tals, Tom's asking if we want to go see IT 2?" I ask.

"YES! Woah this is sooner than I planned." She says smiling.

"Harrison will be there too." I say hoping she's okay with that.

"Even better." She smirks. I roll my eyes and pick up the phone again.

"Yes. We'll come." I say immediately regretting my decision. Clowns are my number one fear if you hadn't got that yet.

"Great! We'll pick you up at 5." He says.

"Okay, I love you." I say into the phone and smile. Talia's eyes widen and she pulls a shocked face.

"I love you too." Tom says and hangs up the phone.

"Did you just say the L word?" She asks as I flop back down onto the bed.

"Yes, yes I did. It wasn't the first time though." I say to her and smile at my memory of last night.

"And do you love him?" She says snapping me out of my thoughts.

I love you, I guess it's fate T.H X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now