Chapter 12

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I wake up under my covers. My head lying on Harrison's bare chest. I look up to see that he's still sleeping so I decide to go on my phone. I feel guilty about last night. I cheated on Tom. Not only did I cheat on Tom but I cheated on him with his best friend who also happens to be my best friend and is dating my other best friend. Shit I fucked up. I look at my phone only to panic even more.

From Tom:
I'm coming round to
talk things through.
We shouldn't have argued
yesterday. I'll be round in 20.
Sent: 8:06

I check the time and it's 8:10.
"SHIT!" I shout waking Harrison up.

"What's wrong?" He asks sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

"Tom's coming round in ten minutes!!" I shout quickly getting up and chucking some clothes on.

"Crap I better go!" He shouts as he jumps out of my bed.

"Yeah you bet-" I start to say but then as I'm looking in the mirror I spot something on my neck. "Oh no. Shit shit shit shit shit." I say panicking a lot.

"What is it?" Harrison runs over to me.

"I have a fucking hickey." I say to him pointing at my neck.

"Shit!" He shouts looking at it now panicking himself.  "What are you gonna do?" He asks in a panicked state.

"Um I'll just cover it up with makeup. He won't see it." I say as I run over to my foundation.

"Okay... okay good. Right I'm going now. Never tell Tom about this okay?" He asks still panicked. I nod.

"And not Talia either." I say slightly less panicked than he is. He nods and then climbs out of my window. I get back to rubbing the foundation on my neck trying to cover it up as much as possible. I put some contour on it and concealer on top just to make it a bit less noticeable.

I hear a ring of my doorbell so I quickly go to answer it. Before opening the door I talk a deep breath in and out and tell myself to relax. Everything is going to be okay. I open it to see Tom Holland standing there with a tear stained face. I stare at him for a second or two. I don't know how to feel. Am I still angry? Should I feel guilty? Can he forgive me for the way I acted? Why was I so angry? Should I tell him about what happened with Harrison? Then will he ever forgive me?

"C-can I come in?" He asks, his voice still sad. I move out the way so that he can walk into my house. He follows me to the couch. We sit far from each other. My legs are crossed and he's leaning forward, his elbows resting on his thighs. After a couple of minutes I finally speak up.

"I'm sorry." I say softly letting a tear roll down my face. He looks over to me.

"You shouldn't be sorry." He says somehow even more softly, letting a tear rolling down his cheek too. But I should be. I cheated on you.

"I overreacted. Your the one that should be upset. I found out and went straight to anger. I didn't think about how you were feeling. And I know that you didn't tell me because you didn't want me getting hurt. I respect that now. I'm sorry." I say annoyed with myself and move slightly closer to him.

"I should have told you." He says and looks down at his fiddling fingers. "It wasn't right. I was in the wrong. I get if you don't trust me anymore and don't want to be with me. I get it." He says a flood of tears rolling down his face. I feel bad. How can I sit here and say that I don't trust him when literally last night I was fucking his best friend.

"Hey, hey." I say gently moving right next to him. "I do trust you. I one hundred percent trust you. I want to be with you. Forever. I love you Tom." I say trying to look into his eyes until finally locking them when his head shots up on the words I love you. He smiles his big smile. I can't help but smile back when I see him so happy.

"I love you too." He says. I cup his cheek and wipe the tears from his face. I kiss him. Only this time it doesn't feel like it did before. And I know why, because of the guilty conscience I have in the back of my head. I hate lying but at the same time I don't want to tell him. It will break his heart. And I don't want to see him heartbroken. Besides what happened last night didn't mean anything. Me and Harrison can both agree on that. And that's why I'm not going to tell him. Never.

When I push all of those thoughts out of my mind we keep kissing on the sofa for a while. We stop and I cuddle him. Placing my head on his chest and wrapping my arms tightly around him. He does the same for me and places his head on my head.

"How is she?" I ask after a few minutes.

"Who?" Tom asks confused.

"Tessa." I say softly. Barely able to say her name without crying.

"She's um... okay I guess. She's still happy like she was before. It's just different when you know she's sick. Maybe not for her, but for us." He says. I can tell by his voice that the tears are filling up in his eyes.

"Wanna talk about it?" I say as I turn my head to look at him.

"No, not right now." He says and gulps trying not to look at me.

"Okay." I say accepting how tough it is. I gently peck his lips and then turn back to the tv. "Stranger things?" I ask turning the tv on.

"Please. I've been desperate to watch the new season." He says and laughs. Stranger things is Tom and I's favourite tv show. He promised me that he wouldn't watch the new season without me. So now we're watching it.

We spent the rest of the day watching the whole season. When it finally finished at 4pm Tom had to get home because Nikki was making a roast to cheer them all up.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" He asks me as he gets up and starts walking to the front door.

"I really don't think your family would be happy to see me right now. My mum tried to kill you all." I say reminding him as I wrap my arms around his neck and he places his hands onto my waist.

"Fair point. But you have to come round one day my mums roasts are the be-" he cuts himself off remembering that I used to come round for a roast every Sunday. I nod slowly.

"Yeah, I can almost taste the delicious roast beef. The roast beef that turns out didn't actually kill my brother." I say and let out a slight laugh.

"That was a dark joke Pinkie." Tom says as he pulls me closer.

"It's how I get through... well hard times." I say doubting my dark humour.

"Well whatever floats your boat." He says and laughs at me. I look into his eyes and then kiss him. I pull away after a few seconds.

"Now you better get going. Your roast beef will get cold." I say as I let go of him and open the front door.

"Did I ever tell you that I love you?" Tom says as he laughs.

"All the time." I smirk. I push him out of the door and watch him walk down the drive.

"I'll call you!" He shouts at me just before getting in his car.

"I'll answer!" I shout back and smile. I shut the door and lean on the back of it. I squeeze my eyes shut. How can I do this? Me and Harrison's secret needs to stay a secret. Can I keep this secret forever?

I love you, I guess it's fate T.H X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now